<head><title>Dragon Guard Report #19</title></head>
Dragon Guard Report #19, July 18th 2002
L0ts of new people and changes. I want everyone to remember that I am here for your benefit. Please ask me any questions you have, and I am always here to give advice. Especially for you lower-ranking members, it is important that you talk to me. Report in what you are doing, be active, and I can promote you:D
Lots of new people!!! Welcome to everyone! We are completely full!
From now on, anything in the competition section that is underlined is Required! I want everyone to participate in that.
The Phyle went through a name change, but everything is now back to normal.
Phyle motto has been made shorter. It is now just "The dragon will lead our Path."
Mailing list has been updated with everyone's email addresses:) Feel free to alert the Dragon Guard through that.
Cymbre was made XO, incase you haven't already heard.
If anyone would like to create a DG webpage, feel free to go ahead. I've not had alot of time to update the DG page like I want to.
For all members, I want to see you participating in the Clan Feud first and formost, secondly I would like to see those DJK and higher taking on some students:)
I want to see more people on IRC(www.mirc.com) in the Channels #CSP and #HAD .
New Members
Welcome KAP Raistline Majere!
Welcome KP Stalker5!
Welcome goes to DJK Etras Aglen!
Welcome also DJK Krail Darkblade!
Welcome DJK Titus!
Welcome fellow JH, Xythian!
Welcome PRT KDOG!
And please welcome Acoylyte Iul Danth!:)
CLAN FEUD!!!! Must participate! Ok everyone, it is very important that you make submissions for both events.(details at http://cskcspfeud.minos.net/)
CLAN FEUD RUN-ON!!! Located at http://www.isdchallenge.org/csk/forum/display_topic_threads.asp?ForumID=2&TopicID=15&PagePosition=1
Krath Monthly Fiction is a great way to get some activity in! Start writing!
A Monthly Poem Focus is open too, details at www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/krath/focus/default.asp
House and up Competitions are listed here, and Phyle Competitions are here.
Have a Dragon Guard Competition Idea? Let me know:)
Dengar's IRC Art
Hey, anyone have art that they want to show can email it to me and I will put it in here:)
This is the PCON, Saitou, in his TIECorps form. Sorry I couldn't get the emblem right, but I tried. Hope he likes it:)
Remember to check out the DG site at http://www.geocities.com/dengarmarch/
Dengar March <font size="5">
JH Dengar March (Krath)/TET/Acclivis Draco of Scholae Palatinae
[Student of Saitou]
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