Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Yes it is time for another report.

I have been called upon to do other things and have decided to step down as Tetrarch. This will happen in a few weeks or so. My replacement will be Kidouses. I will be working with him for a few weeks to get him use to things and all. I know the way the new TET was chosen was not traditional but I probably would have picked him anyway if I had done things the old way.

With that said, don't anyone worry, I'll still be part of Gladius and part of the Mystics but I just won't be able to perform the duties of a TET adequately. And don't worry, I'm not leaving because of anyone. I think you are all very special and I'm glad to have you in the phyle.

Ok now on to some real news! I've seen quite a bit of submissions for the feud from some of you. Yay!!!!! I've not looked at any yet as I too am trying to get some stuff finished to submit but I'm sure they are all very good. Remember that ends the 8th of August.

If everyone would please take a look at the archive section of the Mystic website and see if I've got everything of yours up that you want up. If I don't, yell at me and send me what you want up.

Knight has started a run-on on our message board that might prove to be a really good one if people started posting. He did make a second post to it to clear up some things and help get it rolling. If you get the time, head on over and take a look.

Clan Feud above all though. Have a good and productive week!

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