Sapphire Squadron Report as of 20/07/2002
If you haven't replied to the AWOL check do so or you are out of Sapphire and then HLK, and that's not good folks.
As a side note all those currently on the Sapphire roster should get this report if not well I'm probably not going to know either way so I'll just hope.
A big congratulations for the longest serving member of Sapphire aside from myself, Carl Lost who was promoted to Sith Warrior this week. A well earned promo if I ever did see one, and the damned summit never asked me for a rec oh well.
Awards and Promos:
A single pilot both awarded and promoted.
Carl Lost: Awarded a Cresent with Emerald Star and promoted to SW.
Monthly flying comp: All plt. files to me and Scithe
Clan Fued, Deception:
Priority, fly, fly, fly! All files must be sent separately to the following emails.
All TIE SP TFRs must be mailed to: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
All XvT SP PLTs must be mailed to: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
All XWA SP PLTs must be mailed to: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
All XvT MP Matches must be mailed to: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
All XWA MP Matches must be mailed to: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
AED Trivia: Yes our AED's EPII Trivia, take part you never know you might win a nice shiny medal. The questions can all be found in this weeks AED Report.
Also I'm still looking for someone to work on a Sapphire Webpage, I would prefer to keep this in the squadron but I may make a general request of the House/Clan if I don't see any interest from any of you.
Feel free to contact me with any problems our queries or even just to spam my inbox telling me your still active.
SW Janos Silverwulf(Sith)/CMDR/Ludo Kressh of Naga Sadow
The Last Drunken CMDR
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