Dark Greetings
I have been in contact with CON Ciara, CHAN Shadoynx, OHC Sharad Hett and SHW Keirdagh Cantor. In these discustions I have requested permission to run a weekly JK competion for the whole of the Dark Brotherhood. CON Ciara has agreed to let me run a weekly clan wide comp but I need to work out some issues before I can run it Brotherhood wide. In the mean time the Clan wide event will take place on Tuesday for information go to the website at www.talon-zetar.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/ClanJK2Night.htm
All the information you will need is there. I hope to see everyone from my battle team turning up for the first event, but if you cant make it please email me and tell me why.
Well the fiction comp has ended today and the winner is Ziguarath. Congratulations to Ziguarath. The winner of second place is Gelton Torr. Congratulations Gelton Torr. There is a new fiction section on the BT website. If you write any fiction please send it in and I will put it on.
I hope you are all participating in the Clan Feud. I would be most disapointed to find out that some members where letting their clan down in such a way, by not participating.
Everyone responded to the AWOL check I ran so noone is on the way out... yet.
Now that the fiction comp is over, there are no current competions in Armored Fist. If you have an idea that you think should be in our next comp, email it to me.
No one in Armored Fist has been promoted this week.
I was promoted to Crusader in the GMRG
Well thats all for this week.
GRD Talon Zetar (Obelisk)/SGT/Cestus of Tarentum [GMRG: INI]
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