Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report


Hey gang, it's your TET, reporting in, as I will continue to do on Saturdays with your info to our summit leaders in order for you to get nice medals and promotions. That's why I do these reports you see. :))

For old reports see here:

For the Aleema site and beaucoup amounts of info:


Shups- Submission for Krath event one

        TET Stuff  

Arania- Emailed me but um, well ya. I guess she is ??

Pendragon- Rollmaster stuff

                Awarded a DC  

Kali Lilith- Nice story for the DV

             Working on K1  

Garclone- Working on K1

Talon- Comp probs/Vacation

Enough Said?

Well I was glad to hear from some of you this week and also cursed glad that K1 is over for me. :P Now I hope those few of you who are doing it are able to blast it out; if so that will be 4/6 for SOTN and wouldn't that make us look freaking fantastic. Yeah baby! Right now we are at 1/6 and the deadline is the 22nd I believe. Ouch!

That's it. No fluff. I am spent.

Masta Shups


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