Proconsul Report


Proconsul Report

Tarentum Proconsul Report 12


-- Our roster is up to 54 members.

-- Congratulations to the new House Tridens AED, DJK Murkrow Defender! Perhaps the burdens of responsibility will cause him to spend less time with his stinking monkeys. May Palpatine have mercy on us either way.

-- The clan message boards are back in operation after some down time a couple of weeks ago. They could use more activity, too, so get posting:

-- The Feud. For event details:

The feud goes well for us so far but we need maximum participation. Make sure to cc: CON Ciara, your house summits and myself on all submissions.

A reminder on destinations for the Sith missions:

All TIE SP TFRs must be mailed to: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

All XvT SP PLTs must be mailed to: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

All XWA SP PLTs must be mailed to: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

All XvT MP Matches must be mailed to: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

All XWA MP Matches must be mailed to: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

We're seeing some great activity in the feud. Most glaring to me has been PRT Sukuth's multiple forays in the Obelisk events. As for me, I am flying the Sith battles and will be flying some MP combat against an opponent clanner who challenged me.

-- The clan comp being managed by CON Ciara. Here's the details as a refresher, and remember the deadline is July 20! :

Clan Competition:

Date: Saturday June 22 to July 20


First - Ruby Star (Cr-1R)

Second - Amethyst Star (Cr-1A)

Third - Sapphire Star (Cr-1S)

This competition is on a very broad topic so I expect a wide range of creativity in any entries I recieve. The topic is just. . Tarentum. That's it. What I want you to do is - anything at all that deals with Tarentum in anyway. You could do something with Tarentum's history, Castle Tarentum, perhaps how Tarentum differs from other Clans, your personal views on it, how your character came to join, whatever you like. This is so people don't have to make up the excuse that they just couldn't work with the topic. This is broad and could include any number of things, it's up to the individual member how they would like to approach it. The field is - anything at all. You can write stories, poems, you could create a mission or battle for people to play, you could write a song, make graphics, or whatever you're inspired to make.

The way the competition will be run is that members (this means QUAs/AEDs too) will submit as many different things as they like. For example, you may write a story and create a mission, and write two poems. You don't have to stick to just one thing. I'll keep track of who sent in what, and each entry will be given a number of points depending on the type of entry, length, quality, etc. I will immediatly respond to entries with the number of points recieved for that entry. Should you submit another two days later, I will give points for that as well and add them to the first, and so on and so forth. At the end of the competition, the person with the highest number of points will obviously be named champion and on down the line.


-- Medal handling news from Shadow Adept/Chancellor Pharaun "Shadonyx" Illistyn:

Greetings to you all. As you know, I am Chancellor Shadonyx, sixth member of the Dark Council of the Dark Brotherhood. I come before you all today with a message. While it deals mostly with my own policies with medals, I will expand my message to one of universal meaning, and I hope that you will all come away with a better understanding of the operations that I, and the rest of the Dark Council, deal with.  

Bluntly stated, it is my job to approve the recommendation of the medals of the Dark Brotherhood. While this task may sound easy enough, especially with our database system, I can assure you that it is not. Grand Master Firefox hired me to fix the medal system, and what I mean by fix is to make the system easier to understand, less esoteric. And so I set out to do this task, and by editing the medal descriptions as well as creating a guide to awarding medals, I have succeeded in this task to a certain measure. Or so I would like to believe.  

Despite the creation of a guide that states rules for recommending medals, errors still occur - errors that could be prevented by reading my guide or posing a question to me before recommending such awards. I understand that no system is perfect, and with new leaders rising now and again, I expect faults to occur. However, when the same person makes the same fault three times or more, after being directed by me as to what the correct procedure is, there is a problem, and it lies not with me. I will not lie and say that I do not become wroth with such people; truthfully, I am known for delivering blistering remonstrances to people who fail time and again to follow the procedures I have laid forth, and can one blame me? I created those rules to ease the process of recommending medals, and it often appears it does the opposite of what it was intended to do.  

So I ask you, the membership, what will it take to ensure that mistakes in recommending medals are down to a minimum? I ask that you send me any sort of communique with an opinion on this matter, as it is my duty, as a Dark Council member, to make sure that the Brotherhood remains fun for you; and wherein lies the fun in getting medals rejected for ignoring the rules?  

Understand that it is the duty of the Dark Council to bring order to the Brotherhood, but understand that it is your job to ensure the prosperity and continuation of the Brotherhood. There would be no need for a Dark Council if it was not for the membership. Without your dedication and drive to run competitions and come up with new ideas, the Brotherhood would not exist; it is as simple as that. Some of you have performed this task admirably and have become pillars of your respective Clans and Houses. Others participate as normal members and bring honor to their units. Sadly, there exist those that grudgingly participate, all the while cursing the Dark Council, their Summits, and their fellow members for the supposed lack of activity and rewards. I am glad, however, that the latter is but a small minority, and if the two former work together in unison, such inactive, negative people will be slowly isolated and fall to the wayside, allowing for a unified, active Brotherhood.  

The Dark Council is a resource; use it. We are here for your pleasure, to answer any questions and aid you in your time with the Brotherhood. If we are doing something you feel strongly about, do not be afraid to contact any of us; we are not stubborn, crotchety old bats who care not to listen. I know, and realize, that I have not covered myself in glory with my sometimes irate attitude and mannerisms. For this, I apologize and pray understand that I am human and may not always be in the best of moods. These words I say truly: I do not enjoy rejecting medals and demean members. I prefer to aid and help whenever I can, and I hope that I can help anyone and everyone I can. This is the opinion of all on the Dark Council, I assure you that.  

In closing, I ask that we all look into ourselves and realize that we, as members of the Brotherhood, are united in our like of a galaxy far, far away, and we must use that interest to build bridges and friendships so that our organization might prosper; not to create petty alliances and grudges for the betterment of a few.  

-- Krath High Priest Report

Posted By DJM Mairin Astoris - 7/13/2002

1: Monthly topics continue... for this month they are:


Secrets of the Past


Pursuit of Power

Genre: Monorhyme

All entries should be submitted to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] by 11.59pm EST 31st July.

2: The battleboard competition is continuing under the aegis of my Magistrate Ciara Tearnan. Judging by how this is working, I am now toying with the idea of making an IRC Total Conversion, which could be interesting and fun, but will need work, so don't take it as written in stone just yet. :P

3: I do urge all those webmasters in the Krath Order to make sure your pages are kept up-to-date. They are one of the best ways of attracting new recruits to your House. Remember that there are certain standards that must be met, such as the inclusion of a link to the DB Join page, and to the EH Privacy Policy and EH Disclaimers. Remember that these last two are directives of the Internet Office, and that your site is ineligible for Site of the Week and other such awards without them.

4: I'm busy at the moment in the middle of feud stuff for the CNS/Arcona/Tarentum feud so not an awful lot is happening in the Krath Office this week. However, once this feud is done, I hope to be able to get some more work done on fun things like Battleteam leagues, and War games for the Krath for future months. There is also the possibility of a Murder Mystery League II for this fall.

-- Deputy Grand Master Report

Posted By DJP Astatine - 7/13/2002

  1. This week, I did a competition review. This involved tallying up the number of competitions that the various clans, houses and battleteams have run. The top clan in this case was Naga Sadow with 15 competitions for the period. Some people argued with the methodology I used. In some cases, competitions weren't counted because of the script I wrote to export the data. In other cases, however, the competitions were simply not submitted to the form or were not approved because of a lack of correct details. In this case, it's basically your own fault. It's been made clear that all competitions should be submitted and awards must be listed, and these awards must be appropriate.

  2. Work on the vendetta will be starting up again this week with the return of Sharad. However, this doesn't mean anyone can say "Well, I'm not going to do anything because of the vendetta coming out". It could be ready in a month or in 6 months.

  3. The education phase of Project Thallium will commence soon. The core to this will be a "leadership" course, targetted at Battleteam leaders, laying out their powers and responsibilities, as well as procedures and good practices. Hopefully, this will create a generation of educated and skilled battleteam leaders, and will have a flow-on effect up the command chain.

  4. I've more or less taken over responsibility for the upkeep of the DB site/code/database, so if you have any ideas, suggestions, etc for improvements or new functions, let me know via email.

DJP Astatine (Krath)/DGM/Dark Council


-- Sith High Warrior Report

Posted By SWL Keirdagh Cantor - 7/12/2002

Sith High Warrior Report for Week Ending July 12th, 2002

Well, once again this report is out late. Why you ask? Hell, you didn't ask, and you probably don't care, but suffice it to say, long nights at work, some own DB work on the side, and this thing got pushed back until I completed the DB Work, and pulled my weekly allnighter to get my sleep schedule turned around.

Anyways, onto news.

1) I am currently judging in the Clan Naga Sadow vs. Clan Arcona vs. Clan Tarentum feud. Just a reminder to all Sith Participating in this competition, the submission email addresses are as follows:

Keep those submissions coming in!

2) I was having a little brainstorming session with my Praetor yesterday, and we got to talking about how he's a little bored with MP (yeah I know, he's a tool), so we got to thinking about what sort of things we could do to get the fun back in MP, and get people playing MP for the Dark Brotherhood again. One such idea was a Dark Brotherhood Racing Circuit, utilizing the XWA Racing Feature. I'll be starting a poll about it after I post this, so make sure to login to the website and vote, to let me know.

3) ENTER THE CHEESE The newest in forms of Sith Order Competition is upon us! Yes, this thing may have a cheesy name, some stolen graphics and slightly modified movie scripts, but the Dark Brotherhood TOP GUN Tournament is now here!

Go to for details. The first session will start on the first weekend of August, so everyone get your MP muscles loosened up (maybe with some vendetta matches?), and get ready to go.

4) The Sith Order Web Terminal ( has entered it's final phase of programming, ie: all the design is done, and now I'm getting around to doing the code. Now, I know I'm no ASP genious, so this may take a little while yet, but I'll try to keep you all up to date on how it's going.

5) Congrats to QUA Crix Madine of House Archanis who recieved a Sapphire Blade recently.

Sith High Warrior,

Warlord Keirdagh Cantor

"Beware, the Ides of March are Upon you!"

-- Obelisk High Commander Report

Posted By OBL Sharad Hett - 7/12/2002

  1. Yes, I'm still on these damned lab computers at school for my only internet access. This means a few things. No, I can't play any games online. No, I can't modify site stuff as quickly although I have built an upload feature for the GMRG and Obelisk sites. I'm usually on around 3 hours M-F now starting around 4 PM EST. Anyways onto other stuff.

  2. There will be a JK2 tourney tomorrow as usual. Settings are full force sabers 1v1 and will take place in #obelisk at 3 PM EST. Check in for more details.

  3. In light of that tourney information, there will be another weekly tourney in #obelisk. It will take place on Wednesdays at about 8 PM EST (subject to change on the time). I'll post something closer to that date to let you know the settings and the exact starting time. Hope to see you all there.

  4. Obelisk site is having a recoding for more improvements and additions. Please check in often for important news as I'm not gonna post everything on You can find it at

  5. As mentioned on the Obelisk site I'm taking feedback from everyone about JK2 stuff. Check the site for more details.

  6. If you'd like to host a regularly scheduled (weekly) MP competition let me and Yacks know. Go to for more details.

  7. Whew that's a long one. Last item on the agenda is no bitching at me for no reason (I know bitching is fun, but limit it damnit! :P), which also means no bitching if you're ignorant about the subject, and stay cool.


"YAY! My insanity and ramblings are saved!!!!! WOHOO! I can be an idiot again!" -DJK Murkrow Defender

"I'm not sure if I really -need- to ask, but... the message boards being down actually -stopped- your idiocy?! Proton, take down the message boards. ;) Just messin'." -KAP Sith Bloodfyre


Tarentum Web site:

Tarentum and house message boards:

IRC channel: #tarentum

Dark Brotherhood home page:


May the creeping mists of our castle envelop you,

SBM Proton (Sith)/PCON/Clan Tarentum

Proconsul's page:

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