hi friends,
this time i won't be sending a copy of this to the AoC list so the csp guys won't read what i'm telling you!
krath event one ended with 5 submissions from aleema to their 10 entries, but it lvls out considering they got like 30 krath and we only about 14.
of course we could have done a load better, but hey ,if not this time then next time.. and that will be very soon!
in the mean time to every one : go look at the trivia, less than a week till the end of phase 1 , where we got to coe up with very, very difficult questions for the csp guys. if you got a sec free time then start to do it now and DON'T wait till the last second!
we got to find out the 50 most difficult of what you send in.....if we get so many questions in that is, if not then we are giving csp points for free!
till now only arso and indaro (i still don't have them arso!)cared to send in some questions.... and i'm slowly getting this feeling we might not be able to gather those 50 questions....
you think i'm wrong? then prove me wrong and send something in TODAY! :P
till now nothing, but realy absolutly nothing has been submitted on our to the gfx event! as the entries here too like in trivia go to house summit, so i have no clue how far they already are with it! so sounds like we are losng out in this section too, if our gfx gods don't start to show their power! but remember, it got to be feud theme related!
again on the ladder: till noe we saw here the most activity, and remember you can be on the ladder independent of your order! you can play jk or JO or one of the flying sims as a krath too! (if you have the game of course) so just go ahead and play!
you can gather most points by playing ffa matches with members of cs itself, if you lose then at least a csk person is getting the point, and as you see in the folowing point key a game of three already gives you as a winner so much points as if you have played 3 times, a game of 4is worth 6 1vs.1 wins! ally you got to keep in mind is that you can play clan members once a day, so one big ffa match daily should push you up the ladder reaaaaaaaal fast!
1vs1: - win = 1 point +Cluster of Fire
3 people: - Win=3+CoF, 2nd=1 point
4 people: - win=6+CoF, 2nd=3+CoF, 3rd=1
5 people: - win=10+CoF, 2nd=6+CoF, 3rd=3, 4th=1
6 people: - win=16+CoF, 2nd=10+CoF, 3rd=6+CoF, 4th=3, 5th=1
and of course as you see a win is also worth a CoF!!
lastly the runon, every one who in any way likes run ons go POST NOW! we are not doing so bad here 17-13 posts for them :P
comeone guys beat them at that! they got like at least 20 more peeps in their clan, and we can hit him here it will hurt them good :P
after an awol check in galthain we are down to 57 members (if you are reading this and you are in galthai , then maybe you are not that AWOL after all, go to the in&out section of this report and check to be sure you haven't been removed :P)
now on to other things... Oh before i forget: nice work SOTN, if you have no clue what this is about then this is definatly not directed at you! :P
yay i got CoF's too at last!!!!! see what a nice feud match an do to your id line? :P
anyway congrats to those recieving a medal. or two :P
Medal Requested: Dark Cross (DC)
Requested for: JH Pendragon (Krath)
Medal Requested: Cluster of Fire (CF)
Requested for: GRD Reza (Obelisk) x2
Medal Requested: Cluster of Fire (CF)
Requested for: SBL Gord Darkonian (Sith) x4
Medal Requested: Cluster of Fire (CF)
Requested for: SBM Enahropes Teriad Entar (Sith) x3
Medal Requested: Cluster of Fire (CF)
Requested for: ACO Markr (Obelisk)
no promos this week! can't have a promo every week i think! :P
In & Out:
all welcome Novice TK-7764 the newest member of aleema!!! (hey go complete that character history to get your promo to ACO!)
DJK Ghost decided to leave to the rogues. we hope to see you back some time soon!
also out to the rogues, but due to inactivity:
DJK Slage
GRD Kraevan Darkblade
PRT Dravin Teche
ACO Snake
NOV Nuno
if you think you have been unjustly removed ..then go bash your QUA! :P
last a cuople of "changes":
PRT Kali Lilith Vairocana (Krath)
Name changed to: Minerva Sanchez Villa-Lobos Ramirez
ACO Page Meridian (Obelisk)/TRP/Kirleta of Satal Keto
Requested order change to: Krath
that's it for the week guys! and go do something for the feud now!
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