Dark Greetings Tarentum,
Sorry about the delayed-ness of this report, I lost track of the day of the week again. Ahem, anyway. As you all 'should' well know, the internal Clan Tarentum competition ended Saturday. The overall winner with a total of 9 submissions and 137 points overall. . .was Guardian Rage Akaido! Congrats. :) Guardian VinDoros took second place with 70 points, and Sith Warrior Torres a solid third with 60 points. Nice work everyone. Your awards are in the mail, well, soon anyway. The participation wasn't outstanding but I did say to focus on the fued. :P
In case anyone was interested in how well the houses did. . .Gladius accumulated 157 points, Tridens 130, and Cestus.. 30.
Now for some information about the long debated, and forever awaited Tarentum Trials. For those of you who were not around when the ideas were first discussed, the trials will soon be put in place for members to take for promotions. These trials will start at the rank of Guardian and go as far as SBM/OBM/KAP (as far the Clan can promote). They are to test your knowledge at your current rank and see that you are improving as you progress through the ranks. There are five trials for each order, and one additional trial for the rank of Dark Jedi Knight. They are basically things your order would normally participate in, such as creative writing for the krath, sp and mp for the sith and obelisk, etc.
The trials will be looked over by the Trial Master (title of which is currently being debated). I have mailed the trials to each house's summit and have asked that they begin selecting the trial masters for their house, and making certain that that person has a firm grasp on every aspect of the trials, and have the time and desire to put into the position. Once the houses are prepared and the trial masters have been selected (hopefully early August), I'll let everyone know what the trials basically consist of, and then we will immediately begin allowing people to take the trials for their next rank. If changes need to be made along the way, that can be done -- but for now we finally need to get something started. :)
For some further clarification. . .the trials are not there to make members climb over one more step, they are to teach, and to make promotions something to be proud of. The reason members 'should' be promoted is that their superiors see that they can learn no more at their current rank. The trials do just that, take alot of the events and aspects of their order, things that arise in competitions, etc.. and ask the member to prove that they have indeed gained skill enough at their rank in each of these aspects to be elevated to a new rank, in which any weaknesses found in the trials can be strengthened and helped by fellow members of the clan, the trial master, or the house summit. This is a new thing, it's change... but I think in the end its going to be a useful tool that will really strengthen the Clan. :)
And last, but MOST certainly not least. The Clan Feud. Participation is absolutely key, as well as the best quality of work we can pull off. I hope everyone has already submitted at least one or two things, and is well into the other events as well. I have had a few questions throughout the week about certain parts of the feud so let me take this time to clear those things up.
First of all - open event battleplans. Some have asked me what all our clan and the other Clans have to work with as nothing is really stated with the event. I asked Goatham recently to explain what we were supposed to be using for that he said that basically it was the clan possessions, that are a little less public than he had expected. So, from the information gathered from Goatham, the Clans have the following. . .(as well as their fighters)
CNS - No real possession aside from fighters..
Arcona - Strike Cruiser
Tarentum - VSD Corsair
So, that's all I know and hopefully it will help some of you.
Secondly - Krath Creative Writing. . . it was somewhat of a question as to whether or not to include our clan meeting up with the other clan in the acquiring of the artifact/ship, or if we were just to write about finding the artifact and taking it from whatever other forces might be around to protect it. The idea I gathered from the KHP was. . .she didn't really care either way we did it. ;) So now you know.
Cestus -
Greetings all,
Okay another week has passed here in house Cestus and we have been quite busy again, but we must concentrate now on clocking up some wins for the feud at the moment we are second I believe I know Arcona has some good players but we need to get amongst them and stir it up.
We have the talent here so i would like to see some more tens for us. Dont forget the parts of the feud there is something for everyone to do.
At the moment I have several projects in Hand for the house one of which will be a regular monthly comp where I will tell you a Single Player level and you must complete it with some additional tasks. I will let you know exactly what I will be expecting closer to completion of the first one.
I am also dabbling with JK2radiant and having some interesting results so hopefully I will have my first multiplayer JK2 level completed soon, and for JK1 there is a MP level in progress.
I would like to see more of you attempting level creation its not as hard as it seems just requires a bit of patience.
Okay now onto the report.
Activity is good I have no complaints about that at all but I would still like to see some of our quieter members do some more. Dont forget to keep this going for the feud.
The roster currently satnds at 11 Dark Jedi
OBM Ziguarath - QUA
DJK Darkov
DJK Gelton Torr - AED
JH Blackhero
GRD Talon Zetar - SGT - Armoured Fist
GRD Glorfindel - SGT - Battalion of Fear
PRT Justinian Leviticus Maximus
PRT Sukuth - RM
PRT Zekk
ACO Daryan
NOV Sauron
Only one promotion this week congratulations JH Talon Zetar.
Also JH Talon Zetar and PRT Zekk were elevated in the GMRG this week to the rank of CRU well done guys.
And congrats to PRT Sukuth for being made Preceptor within the GMRG.
Okay a few medals this week and here are the proud recipients.
DJK Gelton Torr - CoF, Cr-R, Cr-S
PRT Sukuth - CoF, Cr-A
OBM Ziguarath - Cr-A
Congratulations everyone.
Thats it for another week and keep up the good work but most of all have fun.
OBM Ziguarath(Obelisk)/QUA/Cestus of Tarentum [GMRG:INI][KSOE:CC2] GC/(SC)/DC/(BN)/Cr-1S-1R-1D-2A/CF {SA:CORE-CH}
Tridens -
This week saw events move with speed in Tridens. Firstly, DJK John Clark
was removed as AED and replaced with DJK Murkrow Defender. A few days
later, Clark announced his decision to become Rogue to deal with RL issues.
I wish him all the best.
To off-set the loss of a valued member, we finally re-opened HammerHead
BattleTeam. The arrival of SBM Frey Gallandro plus SBL Domi and NOV
Praetorian made it possible to re-open HammerHead with SBM Pel as it's new
CMDR. Good luck to these fine pilots!
With MD's appointment as AED and SBM Pel's appointment as HammerHead CMDR, I
was able to appoint JH Ace Hobbes and PRT Linoge as the Flight Leaders of
Sub-Zero. Until DJK Vortoq's return from leave in under two weeks, AED
Murkrow Defender is A-CMDR.
The AWOL Sweep is still on and so far the following have not contacted me:
Dave Darklighter
I will be making the effort of contacting any of you Commanding officers in
other SGs.
New Arrivals:
SBM Frey Gallandro - HammerHead BattleTeam
ACO MaikoSpince - HammerHead BattleTeam
Unfortunately, quite a few people seem unable to send in DB Battles to earn
promotions. Also keep in mind that some time has to pass before your next
Current Comps (In order of importance):
Feud Comp. Extremely important. Fly the following battles:
TIE-DB 8. Email to: [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and CC your CON/PCON/QUA
XvT-DB 5. [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and CC your CON/PCON/QUA
XWA-TC 25. [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and CC your CON/PCON/QUA
QUA's Comp. I would like to see a few submissions, but if everyone focuses
on the Feud, I'll be happy with us winning that.
Free Missions:
TIE Free Mission #167 - I just Work Here
XvT Free Mission #8 - TIE Advanced Workout
BoP Free Mission #27 - Ambushed
XWA Free Mission #8 - Rescue the Phoenix
BattlePlan. Plan the assault on a pirate base.
Pirate Forces:
1 Base - 3 squadrons of Z-95 Headhunters - concussion missiles
6 Corvettes - 2 Z-95 Headhunters each - torpedoes
1 Star Galleon - retrofitted with 5 turbolasers.
Tridens Forces:
12 TIE Defenders - no missiles
1 Corvette
Motto for House Tridens.
Sub-Zero BT Members only:
XvT : XvT DB#1
Email all to myself, AED Murkrow Defender and DJK Vortoq.
All comps finish at the start of August.
Run-on. We're still continuing and all BT members, both SZ and HH, are to
put in at least one posting. I dont care about the size, just as long as
you help develop the story.
To make sure everything is up to date with the Tridens site, heres the URL:
Two last items.
BattleTeams. Unless given permission from the Tarentum CON, PROCON, myself
and the AED, everyone will be assigned to a BattleTeam.
Recruiting. Keep it up, we're growing stronger, but still need more active
SW Torres (Sith)/QUA/Tridens of Tarentum,
"Buckle your seatbelt, Dorothy, cause Kansas is going bye bye."
Gladius -
I'm late, I'm late, I know. Shoot me. Well, maybe we should wait until after the report to shoot Sithie. ;) That way the report at least gets out, right?
This report is going to be short, sweet, and to the point. I've got a couple things to mention, ordered by their priority to us.
Clan Feud! We all know about this, I believe. The Feud ends on August 8th, there's a lot to do, and awesomely, I've gotten a lot of entries CCed to me so far, and you are all doing awesome! You guys rock! Seriously. You're doing great from what I've seen. I could ask for more, but hey, I'm not picky. I still have to ask for more from myself. Sithie needs no more OT, and a few quiet hours to do some quality writing.
Part and parcel to the whole Feud/writing thing in general, if you've written anything, why not send it into Knight Camile, our House Webmaster, as well as the Webmaster for the ULC. he's been good enough to maintain the House Website, as well as the ULC, which has proven itself to be a great archive for excellent literature. Have something in writing, think about sending it to him. Your work can be preserved on House webspace.
Emails. I'm not going too deep into this, because we all have our own opinions. Needless to say, to avoid any unnecessary heartache, if you've got an email about an issue about the whole House, email it to me and Hades first. Just to us. We'll review the issue, and either bring it up, or get back to you on the issue f we can deal with it personally. Anything that can be kept to the MB would be appreciated, I am sure. it tends not to fill up people's inboxes, which keeps them happy, and that way, it's there when they have a minute to read it.
Phyles. New members, old memebrs alike. if you're not in one, talk to me. It's going to be beneficial to be active and in a phyle, as we will be preparing for upcoming events such as the Great jedi War, which will be coming out as soon as preparations are finished. It's likely they will have events specifically for phyles, and a full, active phyle membership will help us out greatly. We need to get used to working/writing, etc. with each other for this upcoming event. Stuff like this will be greatly important to success, as well as to protoions and careers in the DB. We've got a lot of amazing talent in this House, excellent writers, but we can be better, if we know how to work with each other, and write each other as well as the next person. Phyles help impress this, as you tend to work closer together.
I've got some ideas being tossed around (just recently sent the email out, actually) about the House command structure. When it gets more worked through and finalized, I will be letting everyone know what changes might/will be made. However, they won't be world-altering, really, so please, don't start getting worried that things are going to come tumbling down.
As for that, I think that will do me for now. Again, too much OT this week. If you need me, email me. If you can, email Hades, he should be able to help you quicker than I might, and probably will do as good a job, if not better (Sithie is sleep-deprived this week). Talk to everyone again soon.
Darkness guide,
··· ···
C.i.a.r.a M.a.y.a T.e.a.r.n.a.n R.o.t.h.w.e.l.l
KAP Ciara Tearnan (Krath)/M:KHP/CON/Tarentum,
..."Under the tongue root a fight most dread, and another raging, behind, in the head"..
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