Aedile Report


Aedile Report

Aight guys, another week down, another report, courtesy of myself, Raist-Dawgs, but before I get into the report, im gonna start



That's right, the section where you guys get to hear about my RL life that I know you could give a damn about. LoL, it's all good tho cuz i gotta bitch to somebody

Anywayz let's see what happened this week:

I haven't been working, on account of my foot, so im flat broke. I got my car out of the shop, and it cost me $2,500 to put a new transmission into it. As im driving it home, it stalls on me on the middle of a major highway, needless to say I almost died. LoL, turns out I now have engine electrical failure, lol, and it goes back into the shop tomorrow (woo) which is why im writing the report today because I might not be around all day tomorrow. And on top of everything else, my main love interest, this girl i really like a lot, just had her bf break up with her. LoL, I know u guys think that would be good for the Raist-Dawgs, but it aint =P See she stil likes him and wants him back, blah blah blah.... lol, so im sunk

Anywayz, that's been this edition of Raist's life, yay!, now onto the report:

#1- I know we had a ton of promotions this week, and im not gonna list them all here, but you guys know who you are, so congratulations go out to you guys, you definately deserve it.

#2- My AWOL Check is done, I have given the list of members to Bob and he has sent a final email, my guess is that most of them won't reply, which means this house is going to be cutting a lot of dead weight in the next week. So expect to see a much slimmer house as of next week

#3- Recruit. I can't stress this enough. As we're gonna be a small house by the time the AWOL check is done. I want some new blood in here. And as an incentive, i'm going to give the person who recruits the most active people into HPG, to get a DC. yes, that's right, a DC. And all you gotta do is help some people through the SA, and into our house, not hard, no?

#4- Feud. I've noticed that activity has been declining on the Feud, and this shouldn't be the case, we should be lighting it up right now, and there's also the open events for everybody to participate in, which I hope everybody is doing. I wanna see HPG beat Cestus, and give Galeres a real run for their money.

#5- Other competitions. There's two at the moment. One is the DB Vs. ID competition. GM Firefox will be really happy if the DB beat Intel, since he's been bragging about us, and i'm sure he'll be personally rewarding those who contribute. The URL is:

Go there!

Also, there are the weekly Obelisk tournaments, which more of you guys should be participating in. There's one on Sunday, Saturday and now Wednesdays. There should definately be more participation from you guys in these comps.

#6- On another note. I want to see everything you guys do. Whether you make MB's, have some screenshots for JK2, made some graphics, wrote a story, did a SA course, I DONT CARE. Send it to me. Like i've said before, this shows me you're active, and when you're active, your AED goes on an awarding spree.

#7- Rollmaster. We need one. If you think you can handle it, send all applications to me and Bob. This added responsibility will once again result in promotions and awards easier then being a regualr rank and file member, plus it gives ya a spot on the House Summit, lol, what more could ya ask for? All apps to me and Bob

#8- Webpage. Yes I know it's outdated. I'm working on adding some major content and putting it through a massive rehaul. Gimme some time and it'll rock, trust me =P

#9- Misc notes. I took second in Redneck's tourny yesterday, woo, go me. There were 3 HPG members represented out of 8 open spots, which is good, but we can do better, I wanna see a huge turnout at this saturday's OHC Cup.

Aight guys, that's it for this week, if I missed something, i'll write a little addendum. Until next time, let's kick some ass and ask questions later


OBM Raistlin(Obelisk)/AED/Primus Goluud of Naga Sadow, [GMRG: INI] GC/SC/SE-QL/DC-KC-O-CS/BNB/Cr-1A/LSG/LSS

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