Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report

CMDR/DJK Tomaas Montte reporting in for Delphian Squadron on 7.25.02

Squadron News

The Clan Feud continues! The Krath event is over and we'll be moving on soon. Right now the focus is on Trivia and graphics submissions. But if we have any MP pilots or JK players in the Squadron I'd really like to see some ladder participation and remember Gord's hints for getting points he's sent us all several times now.

There may be some changes in the Great Galthain Gathering, stay tuned for more if you are an MP pilot.

We had some roster changes this week as Delphian continues to reorganize from the AWOL check. Remember there is a Flight Leader spot open and I'm hoping to fill it by next week's report.

Squadron Status

There was a lot of good activity this week and I'm glad to see everyone getting active. Hopefully we can keep this level of activity. Remember the Feud ladder is still on and you can earn CoF as well as supporting the Clan in the Feud. Remember the ladder is for several platforms and not just the flying games as I know many of you play JK and JKII, so why not do it for the Clan?

There is a New course at the Shadow Academy for Sith! The course notes can be found here:

The Test can be found here:

It's called the Sith Flight Studies:Imperial Starfighter Engineering and Technology. Bonus Brownie points with the Commander for pilots that complete this course. :)

Activity Reports

Cmmdr Tomaas Montte- Flew TIEF199, XWAF61, active on irc

FM Rapier- Active on irc

FL Ari- Active on irc, web site design

FM TK-2107-Flew XvT DB1

FM Tatsu Kogarasu- Flew XvT DB1, XvTDB2, XvTDB3


Good work this week everyone I'm happy to see the activity levels on the rise. The only thing that will make me happier is some Feud participation, but still excellent work all around. Lets keep this momentum going and perhaps I'll be able to hand out some rewards next week. :)

Squadron Roster

House: Galthain:

Order: Sith

Commander: Dark Jedi Knight Tomaas Montte [[Log in to view e-mail addresses]]


1) Sith Commander Tomaas Montte [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Dark Jedi Knight

2) Sith Flight Member Rapier [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Battlelord

3) Sith Flight Member Darkhawk [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Jedi Hunter

4) TBA

Flight II - Assault Gunboat

1) Sith Flight Leader Ari [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Jedi Hunter

2) Sith Flight Member TK-2107 [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Novice

3) Sith Flight Member Tatsu Kogarasu [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Dark Jedi Knight

4) TBA

Flight III - TIE Bomber

1) TBA

2) Sith Flight Member Lazarus [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Guardian

3) TBA

4) TBA

Total: 7

Respectfully Submitted,

DJK Tomaas Montte (Sith)/CMDR/Galthain of Satal Keto [KSOE: CC2]


FL/LCM Tomaas Montte/Tornado 2-1/Wing X/ISD Challenge


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