Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report


Guys and Gals of the boomstick phyle of Spirits of the Night guess what? It's Saturday and that means report time. That's when the old man (that's me your dear TET, thats like a leader type nickname) fires off a report to flaunt you in front of the chaps that make medals and promotions happen!!

For old reports see here:

For the Aleema site and beaucoup amounts of info:

Let's jump right in:


Shups- Submitted some Trivia for the feud

        TET Stuff  

        Passed some crazy Sith Course ISET just for ID line Kudos :)))))))  

        Sent in more Trivia questions   

Arania- Dear lady mail me if you read this please....We need to chat.

Pendragon- Rollmaster stuff

                Awarded a bunch of medals! Goodness see his rollmaster report! Yikes!   

                Sent in his K1 sub  

                Updates the Aleema site: hrmm i need to get a thing or 2 on there myself...  

Kali Lilith- What? Thats the wrong name baby! Thats right its changed to...check this action out:

Minerva Sanchez Villa Lobos Ramirez!

That may be a DB record for the longest name! Is there a medal for that? There should be baby!

That wasn't enough tho. Also completed was:  

K1 Submission in  

Joined the Master/Student program with who else but our dear AED as her Master. Jolly good show!  

Garclone- Sent in the K1 submission!!!!!!!

             Doggone thats awesome.  

Talon- Comp probs/Vacation STILL!!! Egads, get back here Talon!

TK-7764- Oh my goodness! This is a quality member here, we served together in Nemesis squadron in the dear TC. Now look here, he is new this week!

Did his hxy thing on the DB site. Got promo'd to ACO. Congrats!  

Sent in Trivia questions.  

Participated in the DB vs ID Comp  

Also known as Hawk of Storms and we see why! Good job bro!  

Kaden Naberrie- Another new member, yes indeed! And welcome! The Krath grow as does our knowledge.

No doubt added around yesterday or so, I sent the dear a welcome mail and said to look for this report. We have one more recruit that I know of coming in, it's filling up quick!  

Enough Said?

Remember that highlighted bold question from last report guys and gals? Enough said? Well I am impressed. Truly. 4/6 of us, and Arania is really not here now and Talon was on leave, whipped up the K1 event. With that I am pleased. Now we want promos and medals. Patience my friends. Patience. Darkness spreads out and conceals certain fates. We have new allies and strong talent.

Now in case you missed it we are in a clan feud and you can get all the details, and maybe i should quiz you on them, right over here:

Above all peeps, consider this: What you do here, makes you closer to the knowledge of being a powerful Dark Jedi. And the lightsaber is most rewarding.

A very good job to all and a hearty welcome to our new chaps, I am very pleased with Report #4!!!!!!!

Masta Shups

FM/COL Shups/Tau 3-4/MC Tripidium


LoC-PS x270/DFC-SWx10/MoC-BoCx7/CoS/CoL/CoB/LoA/OV-2E

[LGNR] [Top-ACE-3rd] [Former XA-TA]

Dark Jedi Master (Krath)/TET/Aleema of Satal Keto,



"Keeping the Talent Happy"

Dossier #367 TIE Corps PIN #1452


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