Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report

Sapphire Squadron Report as of 27/07/2002


We are nearing the end of our fued Deception and I'm not happy with the levels of participation from Sapphire and even I've managed to submit something for it.

We now officially have a Sith Order Course in the Shadow Academy, so give it a shot and add something to your id line.


Fued "Deception", you all know the details by now.

Monthly flying Comp, all files to be sent to me and Scithe. This month end in a few days so get them in now.

AED Bi Weekly Trivia, Abel Malik's test of your knowledge of all things Prequel Era continues.

I'm keeping this one very short this week so as alsways feel free to contact me with anything you think may be important or unimportant.

SW Janos Silverwulf

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