I know this is early but I thought I might not have time later this week so
here we go. Well my AWOL check is over, and I will be forwarding the
following names for Removal from the Phyle to Khan and Paladorion.
Archpriest Kelvis Xavier
Protector Sidius Claw
Acolyte Strategos
I hate to lose tyros, but with a full house now I rather see some unactive
ones go and fill my phyle with active members. If you were AWOL by some
other circumstances beyond your control then just talk to Kahn or
Competition News:
CLAN FEUD! My offer still stands, that anyone in MY phyle participates in
EVERY event available (that is the Krath and other events) then I will
award them with a Dark Cross. Feud details are at the following address:
DB and the ID Comp.(I could not see a date when this is over or when they
move on to phase II if anyone knows then please update me) Check the
following URL (http://id.minos.net) for information on the competition. I
dont have to remind you all that this is optional and should NOT be more
important than the Feud. But if you have the time, feel free to participate.
Krath Monthly Story: Secrets of the Past
Krath Monthly Poem: Pursuit of Power Genre: Monorhyme
BE ADVISED you must sent entries to this address: [Log in to view e-mail addresses] by
11.59pm EST 31st July. Note: In keeping with the Monthly Secret Plan I am
going to request an LoC for one topic completed and LoM for any member of
the phyle that completes both topics
Monthly Phyle Comp.
I still have got no entries for this Comp. I am hoping that all of you are
so busy with the Feud you do not have time for it. And if that is the case
then that is fine by me! Details are at:
Note: I will NOT give medals unless a min. of 5 phyle members participate
in the Comps. or if the work is very well done. Members who participate in
this instance will be given LoC, LoM, or even a possible medal.
Notice that I completed the new Sith test. even though you are not Sithies
I suggest you go ahead and give it a whirl it is not that hard and does not
take a long time.
Korbane Ashoka Completed:
Sith Flight Studies I: ISET (Completed: 7/25/2002)
Upcoming Events:
Phyle Comp. for the Month of August. Check the following address for
details: http://www.emperorshammer.net/dgm/compdetails.asp?ID=1932
Krath Preist Korbane Ashoka
Pontifex Gilkane
Archpriest Diakonov
Archpriest Kelvis Xavier (Pending Possible Removal)
Krath Priest Timeros Caesus Entar
Dark Jedi Knight Cyberguy
Jedi Hunter JaM3z 'X-Ray' Lucius Entar
Protector Karan Dus
Protector Sidius Claw (Pending Possible Removal)
Acolyte Strategos (Pending Possible Removal)
Report Submitted By:
KP Korbane Ashoka (Krath)/TET/Qel-Droma of Arcona [KSOE: CC2]
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