Commander of the Guard Report


Commander of the Guard Report

CoG Report

  1. Awaiting replies from potential clubs for opposition in JK/JK2. I'm also open to suggestions as a lot of the people I'm in contact with have a slow response time. Know of a club that wants to get stomped? Mail me. [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

  2. Pending DGM Approval, we'll be starting weekly tournaments exclusive to GMRG members on Sunday (Whoops on the Saturday, where was my mind?) from 1-4 PM EST. Show up. Beat somebody. Earn your weekly CF. Maybe snag a promotion. :P

  3. Pending Mage's completion of his assignment, I'll be compiling a formal Grand Master's Royal Guard history. It is my intention to keep a list of who's in and who's at what rank to pass onto future CoGs to minimize member frustration I know I got sick of being a CRU-G 4 or 5 times whenever we got a new CoG. :P

  4. Our roster count is currently at 29. Thus we're looking for one more uber-elite member. Know of the person for the job? Recommendations may be sent to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and [Log in to view e-mail addresses]. We're looking for someone hellafied active, advanced skill.

That's all for this month-errr...week folks.


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