SotN Report #5
Masta Shups reporting in for the boomstick phyle, Spirits of the Night (SotN), about an hour and 1/2 early. August 2nd, 2002.
I first want to note that the Sith in this clan make me sick. I have challenged them for both the feud and now the Top Gun thing. I am sick that they won't fight even for the good of the clan.
Next, there was an AWOL check by Sayo. Uh, thanks but QUA Zillie should be able to handle that guy. Geez. Let's get on with the activity shall we? A few reminders first:
For old reports see here:
For the Aleema site and beaucoup amounts of info:
And away we go!:
Shups- Submitted trivia suggestions
TET Stuff
Passed some crazy Sith Course ESET
More TET stuff
2 wins for the XVT ladder (FEUD stuff)
Challenged every Sith of CSP; CSK to a match
Challenged CSKs sith to a match(SLACKERS)
Joined the TOP GUN of the SHW
Practically spit on the sith of our house! they suck
Arania- should be gone now
Pendragon- Sent in Trivia for feud
Comp trouble as of 8/1
Minerva- Sent in Trivia for feud
On leave 7/27-8-3
Sent in Monthly Krath poem
Garclone- Active on email
Talon- Says he's back. Ya need an update bro, mail me!
TK-7764- Run on post
reviewed trivia questions
passed sith courses 1st and 2nd
Kaden Naberrie- Submitted 4 incredible graphics for the feud. Very well done.
AKA Kweeky on IRC
BG training comp
Playing some JK2
Page Meridian- joined up with us 7/27 is in the military
and is a boomstick. Plays JK2 too well!
Welcome aboard!
Enough Said?
Not yet. There has been great activity again this week. I have challenged the sith of both our house and our opponent CSP, but even tho I won 2 matches against them, it simply sucks. Where are our sith? I know that doesnt affect you krath in the house, but we want to win this feud. Now whats up? Get a look at the trivia questions. Let Gordo (our PCON) know what's too easy. Get ready for the next part of the Krath event. Who wants some promotions here? And who needs a medal or 2?
I dont need no promo but I'll take a medal!!!
Great work SotN!!!!
FM/COL Shups/Tau 3-4/MC Tripidium
LoC-PS x270/DFC-SWx10/MoC-BoCx7/CoS/CoL/CoB/LoA/OV-2E
[LGNR] [Top-ACE-3rd] [Former XA-TA]
Dark Jedi Master (Krath)/TET/Aleema of Satal Keto,
"Keeping the Talent Happy"
Dossier #367 TIE Corps PIN #1452
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