Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

House Kirleta Report.



OBM Azazel Djo'Tarr.


For all the latest up to date news from around the DB, please visit - http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/news.asp

  1. Clan Feud still on!! - Try and track down some CSP dudes and kick some butt!! The clan needs you peeps so if your on the ladder please have a go!! :) Also be aware of any fiction and also any trivia comps goin on also, you can participate in alot of events for the Clan, so don't be shy ;)

  2. Pending AWOL - Well as you guys know alot of peeps are being sent to the Rogue list because they could'nt write a simple mail to say they are still about. Further more i am not really amused by the ones who joined us from the Rogues, some had a good start then they kinda got complacent and lazy. So they are being kicked to the curb! I don't want to see another lot of Rogues join and do nothing, failure to stay in contact will result in being removed from now on!! We shall rebuild the house and i will stopping transfers of those i see as 'not fit' to serve this House.

  3. Future Feuding - House Dinaari have stated their willingness to feud against later this year ahead of the GJW. This could be good. Only the next time round i would like to see more participation from you guys, hence why i said to OW Swiper, that Autumn might be a better idea than the summer. More info will be released closer to the time :)

  4. Crimson Dawn SGT spot Open - DJH Magus has decided to rejoin his former House and so the CD SGT's spot is now avalible. I am in two minds on what to do with that brigade as with the AWOL check pending, i think everyone will be better off in Vashino under the watchful eye of Reza. Until i have discussed this with OW Waza i will not be taking applications until house numbers rise again. You will be kept informed.

House Activity.


DJH Mareek - x2 CF's.

ACO MarkR - CF.

OBM Gryffon - CF.

OWL Rizlib - CF.


ACO MarkR - PRT.


OBM DarkHeart - Rogue to House Kirleta.

DJH Magus - House Kirleta to CNS.



1) We have a wonderful new feature in the Clan Channel #csk Just type !db or !csk and !cskduel to see who is currently in the db or clans server playing jk2, thanks Kaden Naberrie.

2)The July Comp has been extended to last the month of August, so you have more time to get your submissions in go go make something.

3)CSK has a new site if you don't know go here also you really need to go kick some butt .

OW Waza Sunrider (Obelisk)/AED/Kirleta of Satal Keto, GC/(SE)/DC-KC-O-CS/(BN)/(CF)/ {SA: }/CoL

"One shall stand ,,,,,, one shall fall"

Klux Martin Jedi Knight

Best RPG site in the World

Respectfully Submitted.

COM/VA Azazel Djo'Tarr/ISDII Grey Wolf

SSx3/BSx3/PCx5/ISMx4/IS-1BR/LoC-PSx22/COL/CoB/OV [LGNR] {IWATS- AIM-CBX-M/1/2-RT-SM/2-TT-XTT} ( Tie Shadow -"Sabertooth" | Callsign - "Wolverine" )

OBM Azazel Djo'Tarr (Obelisk)/QUA/Kirleta of Satal Keto,

(SC)/(SE-WG)/(BN) {SA Core}

LG/HNR Azazel Djo'Tarr/Empyrean-Phare-Frigg {DGA-Core}

"Every Wolf suffers flea's.......tis easy enough scratch!!"

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