Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Dark Greetings All,

I apologise for my late report but I forgot to pay the phone bill and I have been disconnected all weekend hence why I havent been around.

But I paid the bill today and my phone is back on so things can return to normal again.

It seems as though things have been very busy in my absence and I am pleased to see that you have all been working hard. I got news today of some potential new recruits into the house a good sign as we need some new blood into the house to keep the momentum we sarted going.

I am also glad to see lots of JK practise going I was involved in this last week so good work the only way to improve your JK skills is to keep practising.

This week so the arrival of a new member NOV Son Goku welcome to Cestus and I am sure everyone will make you feel welcome into the house join up on #Tarentum on IRC and join in with the training etc. any questions or comments feel free to contact myself or Acting Aedile JH Talon Zetar.

Okay after discussion with the Battleteam Sergeants and the absent AED I have decided that the Battleteams will no longer be solely JK1 and JK2 but after deliberation decided that both of them shall be merged, this will hopefully increase activity within the battleteams and give us more rounded teams for competitions etc.

This change had to come about because of the distinct decrease in JK1 Activity within the Dark Brotherhood.

I will be discussing the placement of members with the Acting AED and Battle Team Sergeants and I will inform you all of when we have arrived at a decision.

Okay now on to the usual stuff.......


Activity continues to thrive good work guys good to see some solid practise going on as well.


The Roster now stands at 12 members up one from last week

OBM Ziguarath - QUA

DJK Darkov

DJK Gelton Torr - AED

JH Blackhero

JH Talon Zetar - SGT - Armoured Fist

GRD Glorfindel - SGT - Battalion of Fear

PRT Justinian Leviticus Maximus

PRT Sukuth - RM

PRT Zekk

ACO Daryan

NOV Sauron

NOV Son Goku


No promotions this week

Dont worry these have not been overlooked but me and DJK Gelton Torr will be reviewing your current ranks on his return.


Ok I have tried to do this a couple of times now and I will keep doing it until we have it registered.


Okay plenty of competitions running at the moment so get stuck in.

The weekly tourneys seem to be cropping up everywhere at the moment so lets do as we always do and put in a good turnout.

I was dissapointed to see no one turned up to JH Talon Zetars comp but I am sure this was just an oversight and would like to see more people there on the next night, Zet be sure to let everyone know.


I know a lot of people are away at the moment but it still doesent excuse the rest of you not reporting weekly reports are due every week on Wednesday to the Rollmaster if I dont see your reports I will not know what you have done and will not be able to reccomend your promotions.

Enough said on this make sure your weekly reports are sent in.


DJK Gelton Torr - on extended leave for 10 weeks.

PRT Zekk - On leave until next week.


PRT Justinian Leviticus Maximus has changed his name to PRT Publius Claudius Maximus.

Thats it for this week keep up the good work and I will see you all on IRC or in JK

OBM Ziguarath(Obelisk)/QUA/Cestus of Tarentum [GMRG:INI][KSOE:CC2] GC/(SC)/DC/(BN)/Cr-1S-1R-1D-2A/CF {SA:CORE-CH}

"Gwell Angau Na Chwylidd" (((((((((((((((((((((((((([@]]]]]]]]]]

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