Dark Greetings all,
Ok I know I have only just released a report but things are moving fast for House Cestus, yourselves are continuing to improve the house by recruiting new members tonight we were joined by NOV Saapa excellent work guys.
I also know of another 2 members headed this way its good to see that the members of Cestus are out there pulling in some fresh blood.
I have played these guys and there skill is scary lets hope we will now start to upset the DB more than we have already.
NOV Saapa is a kick ass player and we now have a few of you that can kick ass on JK2 I am impressed with this, Saapa if you need anything feel free to contact me I would officially like to welcome you to Cestus its great to have someone like yourself on board I hope you enjoy your stay in Cestus.
Most of all I would urge you to have fun as this is my main priority and the houses Aim
OBM Ziguarath(Obelisk)/QUA/Cestus of Tarentum [GMRG:INI][KSOE:CC2] GC/(SC)/DC/(BN)/Cr-1S-1R-1D-2A/CF {SA:CORE-CH}
"Gwell Angau Na Chwylidd" (((((((((((((((((((((((((([@]]]]]]]]]]
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