Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

<head><title>Dragon Guard Report #22</title></head>

Dragon Guard Report #22, August 7th 2002

This is a short report because I just found out today that I need to go to Michigan(USA, 2 states away from me) tomorrow... My parents somehow forgot to let me know about it. I'll gone the 8th to the 12th. Get to work on Event #2!


  • Sabe, our great Quaestor, is stepping down from her position and coming to DG. We all are sorry to see ya step down but are glad to welcome you here!

  • I'll be gone from now till the eleventh.

  • As Loor announced a short while ago, Krath Event 2 is now open. I want maximum participation!!!

  • If anyone would like to create a DG webpage, feel free to go ahead. I've not had alot of time to update the DG page like I want to.

  • For all members, I want to see you participating in the Clan Feud first and formost, secondly I would like to see those DJK and higher taking on some students:)

  • I want to see more people on IRC( in the Channels #CSP and #HAD .

  • Remember, anything in the competition section that is underlined is Required! I want everyone to participate in that.

New Members

  • Several spots are open now due to the removal of some AWOL members.


Dengar's IRC Art

Hey, anyone have art(or graphics) that they want to show can email it to me and I will put it in here:)

No time for graphics this week:(

Remember to check out the DG site at

 Dengar March <font size="5">

DJK Dengar March (Krath)/TET/Acclivis Draco of Scholae Palatinae



[Master of JH Bane Wolfblood]


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