Black Omega SQUADRON Weekly REPORT
A quiet week, and yet again I am dismayed that certain pilots of the Battleteam have not reported in. I dont know how to make this any clearer than to push for the removal of these pilots that failed to report in as ordered. Therefore, I will be submitting a list of names to the House Summit for immediate removal from B.O. I will not tolerate inactive pilots, and such pilots have no place in any of House Ronins Elite Battleteams. The following pilots will have their names submitted for removal from B.O. :
DJK Jaza Iksiar
PRT Executor
PRT Bryan
With the loss of these four pilots B.O. needs to get active and find new pilots! We will not remain below full strength for long! J
Special recognition goes out to SW Mell this week, who as we all know is the EHs Training Officer. He is usually very busy with his TO duties, but recently promised to start sharing some of his online time for the House Ronin and B.O. True to his word, SW Mell had quite a bit of activity this week! He not only completed the new Sith:ESET Course, but he also passed the Phase 1 Course! I had to tease Mell, while he was on mIRC, about finally passing the Phase 1 after being in the DB all this time. LOL Great job Mell!! J
Last week I made the following statement: I want to run a series of Squadron based competitions, so Im asking for some ideas from everyone. Tell me what would you like to see involved in some competitions and Ill get something put together with the aid of my FLs. J Apparently this was either overlooked by nearly everyone, or fell completely on deaf ears. Once again Im asking for your input, and this time I hope to receive some. My thanks to JH Falcon for his input!
Weekly News
1.Rogue requests have been sent to the House Summit to remove all inactive B.O. pilots!
2.Sith TOP GUN Comp is still underway! Go to for more information!
3.The AED has reported that his email account is currently disabled. Until further notice contact him at [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
4.Be sure to visit for all new News and Info about the Sith Order!
5.Coming soon will be a Clan Feud with Clan Naga Sadow (CNS)! Everyone prepare their fighters and sabers for the slaughter!
6.Ronins Birthday is on 8/21, so lets prepare a special party for him!! J
7.Black Omega has a new Egroup ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])!
Squadron CMDRs Expectations
1.All pilots are to report in each week.
2.All pilots are required to dress in the required duty robes at all times while on duty.
3.All pilots will stay active through SP and/or MP activity, posting on Message Boards, completing SA Courses, etc.
4.All pilots will be evaluated on their performance over the next two weeks in order to determine criteria for future promotions and awards. FLs will assist with supplying recommendations and information relating to recent activity on each FM.
Squadron Activity
SBM Wil Striker Performed CMDR duties; Flew a match for TOP GUN!
DJK Jaza Iksiar No contact; Reported Rogue to House Summit.
PRT Executor No contact; Reported Rogue to House Summit.
PRT MAG No contact; Reported Rogue to House Summit.
GRD Erryc Lasitter Reported in.
JH Falcon Reported in.
ACO Tissaya Argat Reported in to CMDR; returned from temporary leave; completed work on the creation of a new XvT-DB Battle; flew TIE-DB #8; Passed the Sith: ESET Course!
GRD Kenath Zoron Reported in.
PRT Tainer Reported in.
SW Mell Reported in to CMDR; Passed the Sith: ESET Course; Passed the Phase 1 Course!
PRT Bryan No contact.
JH Blaine Reported in to CMDR and House Summit.
In Darkness ..
SBM Wil Striker (Sith)/CMDR/Ronin of Alvaak
WC/COL Wil Striker/Wing XIV/ISD Intrepid
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