Well last week we had a new Tyro join us. I want to once again welcome
Novice Hunti to the Dark Brotherhood. Novice, please E-mail me as soon as
possible. I like Kahn am still waiting for the Feud results, so that I can
either praise you guys for your participation or sulk in the darkness. Also
my student Leara Fwd. to me a copy of some of her submissions for the feud
which were very good so I had them put in the Dark Voice. She earned DSS x2
and a DC for this. So I would suggest anything you do for comps you submit
to the Dark Voice. Especially, now because I am now the offcial praetor to
the chancellor.
Competition News:
Monthly Phyle Comp.
Well with no comps. going on right now I would like to see some
partcipation for the Phyle comp. Check the following address for details:
No Promotions/Awards this time around but I am looking forward to filling
this up once the feud results are in!
Not really a promotion but I was awarded the position of Praetor to the
Upcoming Events:
-I have submitted the Sept. Phyle comp. it is just awaiting approval
-I think that A house comp. is coming up very soon and I WANT THE HELLS
Krath Preist Korbane Ashoka
Pontifex Gilkane
Archpriest Diakonov
Krath Priest Timeros Caesus Entar
Dark Jedi Knight Cyberguy
Jedi Hunter JaM3z 'X-Ray' Lucius Entar
Protector Karan Dus
Novice Hunti
KP Korbane Ashoka (Krath)/P:CHAN-TET/Qel-Droma of Arcona [KSOE: CC2]
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