House Caliburnus Quaestor Report
Well I flew my First XWA Ladder match this week and i see a few others have flown or fought for the clan nice stuff peeps
Of course the main news this week is that DJK Kane Reese has been appointed the new Aedile of House Caliburnus , I would like to thank every one who applied, Reese was chosen because of his leadership ability and if you seen his rollmaster reports you know he is very committed to the House.
This of course leaves the Roll masters spot in house Caliburnus open , as most of you are aware i see the Rollmaster as a 3rd house summit member not just
A thankless job, so if you would like to be the house rollmaster please send applications to myself and AED reese
House news
Well i have awoled quite a few people in the last few days mainly because either there emails were bad or the Fact we have never heard hide nor hair of them, The house membership is still not a problem though but as per usual get your friends and pets into House Caliburnus
I have 2 more recruits at the moment that i am helping through training so our membership is getting a little boost there
No one has yet to take the Sith history course on the House Training site ! Common people lets get them done and get these promotions ! and medals
Well what can I say at the moment we are spoilt for choice
We have the new Battle Team league and Given how many Single player experts we have in the House I think its there for the Taken
Please fly the mission and Send your pilot Files to your commanders and CC the house Aedile ,Reese will be keeping a track of all Submissions and making sure that battle Team commanders are sending them to the Relevant Email
I know we have a few Tie experts in the house so the first round is surprise surprise a Tie Fighter single mission , Lets get those submission in.
Full details can be Found at
This competition is High Priority you Guys don't like those Tie Fighters you got well if you want better Fighters win this Comp
Greetings Ladies and Gentlemen Gentlemen,
Welcome to the first day of Top Gun. This is where you get to stake your claim on being the best of the best, the elite. This is where you get to challenge your fellow warriors to combat, and succeed through sheer will, adrenaline, and skill. This is where you get to prove yourself worthy of being one of the Sith High Warrior's Avengers. Are you worthy, or are you soft?
The competition is simple my friends, you fight, they die. There is no need to question yourselves, no need to question the motives. At first, you will be fighting your brethren, your brothers and sisters from within your House. But do not worry, your enemies in combat now, will soon be your comrades, cheering you on to your victory. Fight each other, fight so that you may prove you are supreme, and that you may have a chance to fight for your House's pride, and honour. Fight so that you will be remembered as Elite!
Okay, you have from August 2nd, 2002 until August 16th, 2002 to play as many ladder matches vs. your comrades in your House. Every victory you gain, is one step closer to representing your House for the ultimate prize. Every loss you have, is one step closer for one of your brethren to represent your House for the prize. There is no true losing in the preliminary round. It is merely the culling, the preparation for the main event. Fight your hardest, and be assured, that only the strongest member of your House will continue on to fight for your House's honour.
Matches will be 5/5 Unless Otherwise agreed upon
You may not play any individual more than two times.
There will be no using the "w" trick in XvT
Players must agree upon fighter craft prior to mission start.
Lag must be called, and play stopped prior to halfway point in the Mission.
No running away to recharge shields.
Each participant gets to deny two challenges. After that, you forfeit.
Matches are to be reported to your QUA, AED, Battle-Team Leader, and the SHW, and CC'd to your Opponent
More details are available at Please remember, if you do not CC the SHW, your match will not be counted. Also, please remember to tell us what ladder the match was played on, whether it was XvT or XWA. Good luck Ladies and Gentlemen, and may the Dark Side guide your hand!
Yep that's right its Still Raging
This week I sent the Trivia out across the Egroups i hope some of you have done that
I have also seen some MP Victories coming the house's Way which is pleasing
There is not long left so i encourage every one to Help CSP In the FEUD
Full Details can be found at
Final thoughts of the Quaestor
well Battle Team commanders let urge our members to get into these comps
I would like to see HC Finnish strongly in the Feud and get into this Squadron league with a huge bang
I have removed allot of Dead wood from the house this week
Lets plant some new seeds and keep the house moving up!
There have been allot of fine performances this week by certain members
I am watching and I hope to reward those people soon
Well done and may the force be with us
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