Chancellor Report


Chancellor Report

I've updated the Medal Guide! Information regarding multiplayer competitions is now in there, so please check it out. You can find it here. I have also made changes to the Awards section of the Dark Side Compendium. They have not been added to the main DSC, but you can find them at the mirror I've set up: The important highlights include the new images for the Crescent and Star of Eos, updated to the Dark Cross and Star of Eos "Awarded for:" descriptions and changes to the Dark Side Scroll.

Dark Voice 29 has been released, so check it out! From now on, all submissions should be sent to myself and Korbane, but Korbane will be the one judging submissions for Chosen status, as well as Image and Screenshot of the Issue. My primary vocation will be putting everything into HTML, but I'll still have a say in what goes in and what doesn't. Before submitting items to the DV, please note the requirements under each section. Simply put, if you don't conform to the requirements, your submission(s) will be deleted. You have been warned :P

Be sure to submit multiplayer competition results to myself and my Magistrate, Brian. Otherwise, they won't get processed. For now, since the TC is without a COO, don't worry about URLs for those that are normally listed on the Combat Calendar.

<table><tr><td></td><td valign="top"><font face="Verdana" color="#9400D3">Shadow Adept/Pontifex Pharaun "Shadonyx" Illistyn</font>
Chancellor of the Dark Brotherhood
Editor-in-Chief of the Dark Voice</td></tr></table>

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