Commander of the Guard Report


Commander of the Guard Report

Long report this month..err...week.

  1. Weekly Tournaments.

As you may or may not know, having read the DGM Competition list , I got approval to run weekly GMRG exclusive tournaments and award cool medals for them. Unfortunately, it'll be House Level Crescents as opposed to CFs. Also,the tournament's will take place every SUNDAY from 1-4 PM EST in #GMRG.

Please make an attempt to show up and fight a couple battles and perhaps win a high level shiny cluster!

This week's tournament will be JK2 2 vs. 2 Sabers NF.

Pairings to be made prior to the tournament.

In the event I am not on, Shadow and/or Mage are authorized to run the event and report scores.

Good luck, and may the best saberist (or the fastest connection) win!

  1. Upcoming Competitions.
  • I'm currently working on finalizing the details of a competition between the Star Vipers and the GMRG. Competition is currently set to take place September 8th, at 4-7 PM EST.

  • Go create an ID on It supports JK and JK2. We'll be using this for more fun and varied gameplay as soon as I get my ID confirmation and peak around.

Club ID: Dark Brotherhood

Initials: DJB

Be sure and enter that when you sign-up.

  1. Various
  • Work has begun on building a GMRG exclusive level. Now, we need a highly skilled skinner to create various skins for the following (GM, CoG, GP, GLD, CRU, and INI). If you feel up to it, contact me.

  • IRC Presence : Everybody msg Darkheart and bug him to hurry up with the HF Dragoons so we can challenge them before I leave for RTC. :)

  • Found another club you think we could take? Send me a mail with a point of contact and website for them and I'll work on setting up a competition.

  • Congratulations to the GMRG currently owning random weekly tournaments. :)

  • Think you've got what it takes to be elite? Apply to CoG Sithspawn.

That's it for this report.

OBM Sithspawn (Obelisk)/COG/Dark Council <font color="#FFCC66"><small>[GMRG: CoG]</small></font>



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