Chancellor Report


Chancellor Report

This week has been somewhat normal for me; that is, I've basically been approving awards and nothing more all week. No, I'm not lazy, it's just that I've caught up on all of my projects and there's no extraneous work to be done. Go me!

A great many Feud awards have been processed the past two weeks. I'm assuming that they're all done, so awards that are to be given for activity during the Feud and the like may now be submitted to me.

I recently sent out an e-mail about the Dark Voice to the entire Brotherhood. I'm shocked by the number of bouncing e-mail addresses, probably well over twenty. Regardless, I also posted the contents of the e-mail to our message board, so you can read the letter here. The letter clarifies what awards are given for Dark Voice submissions as well as a few other items. Please remember to send all submissions to me and Korbane. The target date for Dark Voice 30 is September 14th, and it will include an interview with Grand Master Firefox.

At the behest of a couple of people, I'm going to start including some awards (Steel Cross and above) in my weekly reports. First, congratulations one again to all the Commendation of Loyalty awardees, and thanks to Grand Master Fire for recommending me for one. Here are this week's batch of medals:

Medal Requested: Steel Cross (SC)

Requested for: JH Dagger (Obelisk)

The request was made by: DJK JeD I. ReDNecK (Obelisk)

Reason given for request: While Dagger does not meet the time in grade requirements required for the promotion that Galeres would much like to give him, he deserves some reward for Excellent feud and Ladder participation as well as 5 straight victories in the OHCs Cup Tournament. He represents Galeres and Arcona in grand fashion and upholds its highest ideals. Therefore we are honored to bequeath unto him a Steel Cross for his accomplishments. Well done JH Dagger.

Medal Requested: Steel Cross (SC)

Requested for: DJK Murkrow Defender (Sith)

The request was made by: SBM Torres (Sith)

Reason given for request: Ever since becoming AED of House Tridens, Murkrow Defender has become a symbol of the rebuilt House Tridens. His reliability and willingness to help others whenever possible makes Murkrow a good example of how far someone can go when they apply themselves. He has maintained a high level of activity despite his duties in the TC and maintains a good support with all members. Murkrow has more then passed my expectations and proven his selection as AED to be correct.

<table> <tr> <td></td> <td valign="top"><font face="Verdana" color="#9400D3">Shadow Adept/Pontifex Pharaun "Shadonyx" Illistyn

  Chancellor of the Dark Brotherhood  

  Editor-in-Chief of the Dark Voice</font>  

</td> </tr> </table>

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