Clan Naga Sadow | 24th August 2002 | Report #1
...Heirs to the Empire...
Announcements from the Office of Consul Zorrixor
As some of you may have heard, the Consul, Krath Priest Elminster Keldorn, has been removed from office. The Consul has had increasing real-life matters to attend to due to a new job, and as a result his inactivity left Grand Master Firefox no other choice than to have him removed from the position, it saddens me to see any Consul go, Keldorn was a good person when he took the position had had the ability to do things, but as is often the case, life got in the way.
In respect of this, I have been appointed as the new Consul of Naga Sadow. I'm sure everybody knows me, so I'll spare with the introduction waffle, instead I'll get straight down to business and discuss the current matters which need sorting out.
Proconsul. My first issue is to sort out a replacement for myself as Proconsul, in light of the fact of that I only recieved the promotion a few minutes prior to writing this I have yet to fully conclude the requirements, so look out for a Brotherhood wide announcement on later today. Preferencial treatment will most likely be given to Naga Sadow members however, so bare that in mind and don't feel shy to apply, as I'd like to see the abilities of all of you to have a decent idea of who is best suited for the job.
Clan website. With Keldorn's depature I may be requiring a new website, I have had his site backed up in foresight of any potential problems of it being taken off-line or anything, however there were some legal issues raised by some members and without Keldorn managing it anymore I do not feel it will be right for me to own it, so I am likely to be looking into getting a new site made. Again, full details will be posted on the main Brotherhood site later today or tomorrow, I am however likely to award whomever it is is kind enough to help us here, so if you wish to volunteer already feel free, as there won't be many strict requirements here. The only main requirement is that I'm going to be looking to getting a site with a very aesthetically appealing look other than that i'm going to leave it pretty open to ideas.
Deception Conclusion. Clearly the Clan Feud needs finishing, the final medals awarding, possible possessions earning and special people who helped out awarded. Baring in mind that this list of plans are somewhat in order of importance, so once I get the major Clan issues resolved later today I'll see to getting the Feud concluded in the early days of this week. One warning I must issue, you may have read in the Grand Master's report that Consul Tron has disapperaed, he was our Open Judge, so instead Mairin is going to have to do the judging, unless I can find another Judge sooner, which may cause yet more delays...again my appoligies, but this has been a learning process, and I assure you the next major Clan competition I conduct will be simpler and have all submissions go to more people so we are not as reliant on a single individual.
Clan AWOL Check. Stemming on from the end of the Feud, I'll be, either personally or leaving to the Quaestors, making sure a full AWOL check is done. From the results I have seen so far, we have a lot of dead weight dragging us down, which is hurting us and causing inactivity which leads to further inactivity. Therefore I'm going to be reducing our numbers dramatically, probably from 90 to more like 40. Its going to be painful, but we will live through and come Christmas I'm sure we'll all be pleased it happened.
Clan review. Something I've been needing to do for sometime, but not really had the full power to deal with, is a full review of the clan functions and leaders. Those who follow the progress of EH Command will know that Sector Admiral Astatine has recently conducted a full review of the Command Staff, I intend to do something similar here, and likewise the end result will be anything from me recommending removal of some people to promotions of others. With the changes from Project Thallium Battleteam Leaders job requirements are on par with those of the House Summit itself, so I'm afraid I'm going to have to start cracking down on some people to run competitions, do their reports and that sort of thing.
The review will also extend to other things, such as webpages, activity levels and such. As unfortunately, I must admit that the Clan is not in good order, and much i required to be corrected, and to do so I need to discover the problems, hence why a review is crucial.
Activity Systems Review. Another thing that I intend to give a full look over is the award scheme of the Clan, the 'promotion points' and such things are seeming to become dated and their flaws evident, so like all good things they will come to an end and I intend to sort out a more simplistic and effective system. The scheme has demonstrated its main faults in that the 'on and off' member cannot hardly get a promotion, whilst the 'extreme' member can get Dark Jedi Knight in a month, which clearly is a major problem. I am likely to be introduce some form of 'Trials' to go on top of the points, so that each rank has an approximate time requirement, and some more diverse requirements as oppossed to, for example, intensive multiplaying. Points are likely to remain, but become more of a thing for the leaders to use as a way to assess members as the member him or herself, as everyones different and that has become apparent, not everyone deserves the same rank for the same work, each promotion is far more specialised to that person, and I intend to devise a method to make promotions show this.
Leadership Requirements. This is more a long-term thing, and probably more of a suggestion for the Shadow Academy which i'll sort out in some time, but I thought I'd mention it so you all know what I'm going to be working on. Basically put, if you look at a successful Subgroup such as the TIE Corps, you see exams such as Squadron Management, I'm going to intend to make some similar sort of thing for Sergeant, Commander and Tetrach. It probably will be more in the form of a set of achievements than an exam, but I want to set down some guideline requirements to ensure ALL our leaders from the bottom are are competant, and so that when an Aedile or Quaestor retires, the obvious choices - the Battleteam Leaders - are all capable and skilled at attaining those positions.
All this aside, I've clearly got lots of other little things to look into, but thats the main plan for the next month or two. The Clan Review clearly is going to incorporate much of the rest, as I want to get rid of the, as I already mentioned, "dead-weight" thats pulling us down so we can start of fresh. As I'm sure Bob and Crimster will be able to vouch for, Primus Goluud did better when it was fully 'clensed' and restarted, saddly the entire Clan is now in a similar state for such process.
Status Update on the Elite Black Guard
Due to the Krath event having yet to be judged, I have still yet to decide on those members of the Guard. However, in light of the fact of that I have already awarded and announced the results and winners of the Obelisk and Sith sections, it is only right I announce the Inceptors and promotions of the Guard, so here is the new roster:
Lord Primus TBA
Primus Xanos Goatham Zorrixor
Demi-Precentor Carl Lost
Adeptus DujHoD
Inceptor Darkwolf
Inceptor Scithe
Inceptor TBA
Inceptor TBA
Inceptor TBA
Inceptor TBA
Adeptus Magus Lionheart
Inceptor Sylph
Inceptor Zacfer
Inceptor Raistlin
My congratulations go to all of the new Inceptors, your positions were very well earnt. I also extend my greatest congratulations to Demi-Precentor Carl Lost for being the first to ever achieve this honour, and I congratulate you in advance of a nice shiny new medal you'll be getting for this :) Like wise my congratulations go to Adeptus' Magus and DujHoD, both have proven themselves in the Guard since when they joined.
As a small note of change, and as a reminder to others. Once you lose your position, you retain the rank. This happened with Magus for he left us for some time, but retained Inceptor so I promoted h im to Adeptus. Likewise, those who have lost your posiitons, feel free to continue to be an Inceptor, it is an honour, and a large one at that, you just arn't part of my personal guard currently :)
Also, I have decided to rename the position of Primus to that of Lord Primus. There can, after all, be more than one Primus, though there won't ever be many there will be more than one, so the current Captain of the Black Guard is the Lord Primus, whilst retired ones are mere Primus'. I am going to continue to act as Lord Primus until we have a new Lord Primus assigned, fictionally speaking here though, I am not a Lord Primus but a simple Primus, for I can't actually Captain my own honour guard.
Status Update on Dark Forge Academy
The Master Student Program evidently needs some work, it is working effectively for the Krath Order but not so well for the other Orders. Fortunately with the new details on the Shadow Academy I've had some inspiration to deal with this. However, the MSP will be dealt with as part of my Activity Systems Review, as it is not my top priority. The official leadership jobs are my main priority via the Clan Review, Unofficial jobs will be dealt with a little further down the line. Bare with me though, as I will get to its changes in due time, the system itself I believe is fine as is, the main problem is the multitude of AWOLees and clearly, if theres an AWOL member in a Master-Student relationship, then neither can do their jobs, hence why this will half be solved from my Clan AWOL check.
Likewise, the 'Trials' I suggested earlier which also fall under Dark Forge's Headmaster's line of work will be dealt with when I review the points scheme and such. As I mentioned before, things are far too complicated without enough openness, so my main aim is to assess the series of systems I implemented six months ago when I first became Proconsul, and decide which have worked, which havn't, take the best bits from both, and come up with something that should be far better.
House News Foreword
Just as a small mention to my Quaestors in advance, I'm going to be starting to conform with traditional/typical Clan Report formats by posting your reports into my own, I would also ask you to post your Aediles and/or your Battleteam Leader reports into your own so that the end Clan report is a full status update at the end of the week. Baring this in mind, if at all possible, I would like to ask that the following be adhered by, however I will speak more about this when I come to review the area in my Clan Review:
Battleteam Leaders - Thursday
Aediles - Friday
Quaestors - Saturday
Proconsul - Saturday
Consul - Sunday
Note - It would also prove useful if everyone could post their reports on the database, though this is not possible for Battleteam Leaders yet I'm sure it'll be coded in sometime soonish, that way we can grab them quite easily and incorporate them into ours with little hassle.
Clearly I'll give some leeway on that, I'm not a dictator so it doesn't matter too much to me, but the end fact is that it would be nice if at the end of the week EVERYTHING could be accumulated into my own report so that we have a full document for the week that can be recorded on the site, so we can keep track of everything and such in case we ever need to review what happened one week and will therefore be able to find things easier, it also allows the Council and myself the be kept up to date on individuals and/or Summit's work easier, therefore you get noticed, therefore we get you rewarded for your work :)
While on this matter also, members of Marka Ragnos, bare in mind Quaestor J'Rai has issued a 'three strike policy' whereby, you miss your report for three weeks and you're removed. I hope I don't have to issue a similar thing Clan wide, so Summit members, bare that in mind. If theres a problem, then I will consider it, as I said before, I'm not a dictator, but if anyone has to go on leave, please tell us about it in ADVANCE.
As a final word, since this is the first week, and I've not given advance warning nor writing my own report on a Sunday, I understand that theres a lack of any reports this week...
News from House Ludo Kressh
No Report
Welcome to the weekly holonet transmission of HLK's AED, SW Abel Malik
CNS website URL:
HLK website URL:
HLK motto: Dominato per Noctis- Power through Darkness
CNS message board:
Sith Order website:
New HLK members:
NOV Talon "NemesiS" Karrde joined us and has been assigned to Emerald Squadron flight one position four. Welcome to House Ludo Kressh, the Sith house of Clan Naga Sadow. NemesiS has already taken and passed the two Sith Order studies courses and is off to a good start in HLK.
Deception Fued:
We have the complete results of the Deception fued for the Sith & Obelisk in, but the Krath events won't be available till next Fri. No clue about the open events as yet.
SHW's Topgun comp:
The Sith High Warrior's Top Gun Comp has begun!
Sith Bloodlust Melee night:
Day: Thursdays
Time: 6:30-9:30 pm EST
Location: #EHCOC
Platforms: XvT, XWA
Contact: SHW Yacks ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Sith Duel Night:
A new MP night using XWA & XvT for the Sith is being hosted by Clan Arcona's DJK Brian every Sunday 8:00-10:00 pm EST in #ehcoc on IRC.
Contact Name: Brian ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
HLK Battleteams:
Many weeks ago we re0asigned the battle-teams: if your not happy where you are we always can transfer you. Remember: only members of the Battleteams can participate in the ongoing comps!
Emerald Squadron needs a CMDR, send all application to Scithe & myself.
The Fighter breakdowns for each battle-team: (as determined by our PCON Goatham). (note: all the fighters are equiped with hyperdrives)
Diamond Squadron (Superiority)
TIE Interceptor flight 1
TIE Interceptor flight 2
TIE Fighter flight 3
Emerald Squadron (Special Ops)
TIE Interceptor flight 1
TIE Imterceptor flight 2
TIE Bomber flight 3
Sapphire Squadron (Heavy Assault)
Assault Gunboat flight 1
TIE Bomber flight 2
TIE Fighter flight 3
CNS Trivia:
Here's a clan wide trivia comp with a twist:P. You simply identify which star wars characters that are dead or alive. If the character is dead then identify what book/movie/comic their death occured in. For example, Darth Vader: dead, Episode VI: Rotj. I have heavily concentrated on the NJO serries having just finished the latest book, Traitor.
timeframe: all CNS members have until August 28th to send the answers directly to me at ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]). Please do not resend the answers out over the e-groups:p.
Ruby Star (Cr-1R) for 1st place.
Amethyst Star (Cr-1A) for 2nd place
Sapphire Star (Cr-1S) for 3rd place.
CNS Dead or Alive trivia questions:
Borsk Fey'lya:
Carnor Jax:
Nom Anor:
Elegos A'Kla:
Jedi-Master Yarael Poof:
Anakin Solo:
Mako Spince:
Biggs Darklighter:
Lorn Pavan:
Nichos Marr:
Viqi Shesh:
Roganda Ismaren:
Jacen Solo:
Anakin Solo:
Crix Madine:
Miko Reglia:
Jaster Mereel:
The Dark Woman/Lady:
bonus: Ganner Rysode:
bonus: Lord Nyax (and identify his original name):
Good luck to you all!
Dark Voice #29:
The new Dark Voice issue #29 has been released:
General Membership Statistic Polls
Posted by DJM Kaine Mandaala - 8/18/2002 [11:18:37 AM]
Over the next month, the HRLD's OFfice is conducting a series of General Membership Statistic polls. Your answers are anonymous. Please answer honestly.
Log in and submit your answers in the Polling Center today!Sith Squadron League, Season One
Posted by DA Keirdagh Cantor - 8/15/2002 [10:25:29 AM]
Posted By: Synjin Hades Erebor, League Administrator
Ladies and Gentlemen, we're kicking off the official start to the Sith Squadron League, Season 1 a little bit early. The SHW and I believe that this will allow the membership to read through materials and respond with any questions quickly while still playing the mission.
First and Foremost, the Squadron League website is:
Here you will find all vital information including your groups.
Next is the mission you will be flying, the TIE Free Mission: The Courtship of Callista. A download link is on the website or can be fetched from the TIE Corps main page. Now to earn credit for this I must receive zip file with all pilot files enclosed along with text file giving the names, ID Lines and scores of those pilots submitted. This can be sent to me by a Sith Commander, but preferably by a QUA AED PCON or CON. The due date is 11:59 PM EST Saturday the 24th.
This is only one mission because this is the opening round and I would like to see some big participation bonuses awarded. Good Luck to all, and I hope I see a lot of zip files before Sunday morning!
Sith Order Studies Course:
That's right! The Sith have 2 courses all for themselves! Sith Flight Studies: Imperial Starfighter Engineering and Technology (ISET) and the
Sith Flight Studies:Enemy Starfighter Engineering and Technology (ESET). Check them out!
course notes(ISET):
course exam(ISET):
course notes(ESET):
course exam(ESET):
Many CNS/HLK members have passed the two courses and i'm pleased to see people working on that at the very least.
new CNS Message board:
the CNS message board ( ) is around for communication (and a lot of spam it seems:P.). Feel free to post any topics as long as you follow the EH rules regarding behavior.
Monthly Flying comp:
keep in mind that there's always a monthly flying comp going on in HLK in which you fly the official EH battles & missions. Send your pilot files to SW Janos Silverwolf ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) & cc Scithe ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) in order to participate. Cresents for the top three participating pilots will be rewarded.
Crescent w/Amethyst Star for 1st
Crescent w/Sapphire Star for 2nd
Crescent w/Emerald Star for 3rd
Abel Maliks online humor section:
feedback section:
As i said in the last few weeks, I'm a new AED (but not a newbie when it comes to EH experience:P) so feel free to contact me at ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) regarding anything related to House Ludo Kressh.
Recent HLK Elevations:
GRD TK-Trent was promoted to the rank of Jedi Hunter (JH) last week.
Recent HLK awards:
a Crescent w/ Sapphire Star (S) was awarded to SW Carl Lost for being the Second Runner Up in the X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter Single Player Category -
Deception Competition (Arcona/Naga Sadow/Tarentum)
a Crescent w/ Sapphire Star (S) was awarded to SW Carl Lost for being the Second Runner Up in the TIE Fighter Single Player Category - Deception
Competition (Arcona/Naga Sadow/Tarentum)
a Legion of the Scholar (LS) was awarded to SW Janos Silverwulf for 2nd place in the official DB trivia after last Saturday's meeting.
a EH Commendation of Loyalty (CoL) was awarded to SW Janos Silverwulf.
Misc activity
I flew DB-XWA3
I flew 2 melee matches vs our new HLK member NOV Talon "NemesiS" Karrde(Sith)/FM/Ludo Kressh of Naga Sadow for participation in the Top Gun Comp.
That's the news for this week- hopefully we'll have some rewards for the Open Events from the Fued by next week.
SW Abel Malik(Sith)/AED/Ludo Kressh of Naga Sadow
"Don't be all down on the Darkside, know what i mean?"
Sapphire Squadron
Sapphire Squadron Report as of 24/08/2002
Things seem to have become really quite in HLK at the moment even with the comps currently running. Suffice it to say I'm not the happiest CMDR in the House, even I've gotten lax recently. Not good!
Commendations of Loyalty were awarded this week along with the Sith results for the Deception Fued.
As I'm writing this report it has been announced that CON Keldorn has been removed from his post by the GM and PCON Goatham is now in charge of CNS.
No promos to annonce this week.
Carl Lost was awarded 2 Cresents for his performance in the Fued in the TIE and XvT sections.
A big congrats to him for upholding the honour of the Sith of HLK!
1: Monthly Flying Comp - The August Comp continues get your subs in folks.
Sith High Warrior comps:
2: Sith Squadron league, this ends today, fly TIE Free 106 and get it into the Summit and me.
3: Top Gun, all details at
That's it for another dead week in HLK as always any crap you think I should know feel free to mail me.
SW Janos Silverwulf(Sith)/CMDR/Ludo Kressh of Naga Sadow
The Last Drunken CMDR
Emerald Squadron
No Report
Diamond Squadron
No Report
News from House Marka Ragnos
No Report
NEWS FROM THE OFFICE OF AED:HMR #12 (Wed, August 21, 2002)
KP Tomaas Banys
The CLAN FEUD has ended and we STILL all await the results. They're going to influence the AWOL list per Goatham's request.
The initial AWOL check produces some results.
Commendation of Loyalty were awarded.
I'm working on a quick competition for the House. Stay tuned! More visions gathered in the weekly holocron.
Here is a brief list of current HMR projects.
HMR Website Project [KP J'Rai & DA Mejas Doto] VERY HIGH PRIORITY /COMPLETE/ {ok}
HMR Combat Tournament [KP J'Rai] HIGH PRIORITY /PENDING START/ {ok}
HMR Inter-Phyle Comp [KP J'Rai & KP Tomaas Banys] HIGH PRIORITY /REDESIGN/ {ok}
HMR Lectures [KP Tomaas Banys] MEDIUM PRIORITY /COMPLETE/ {ok}
HMR E-mail RPG [KP Tomaas Banys] LOW PRIORITY /COMPLETE/ {ok}
If you're tracking the current happenings, you should be aware of the unmentioned changes our Clan will very likely see. Your primary job for now is to report in (thanks to those who already did!).
As for MASTER-STUDENT program, I'm preparing a public update, but generally, the list of masters is very thin. If you think you can tutor people really well (and you're willing to sacrifice a bit of your free time every day to do so), contact me.
Arcadius - 3
Kant - 6
Meredith - 28
Shadowspawn - 15
Solo - 36 (82)
Keiraan - 3
The upgraded guidelines for point system are available at the Office of the Aedile, should you be curious what, where and why.
Corran, if this is one of those 'tomorrow we might die so we should be together tonight' speeches, your timing is lousy since tomorrow is now and last night ended when this morning started.
--Mirax Terrik
THE COMPASS Dark Brotherhood home - Emperor's Hammer homepage - House Marka Ragnos messageboard - Our House homepage - version 1 - Our House homepage - version 2
That's it for the week. Regards,
KP Tomaas Banys (Krath)/AED/Marka Ragnos of Naga Sadow
([Log in to view e-mail addresses] :: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]) [+48 606 612184] <`Wolf> {TC-5660} {DB-1396} {IW-132}
Night Death Phyle
No Report
Night Hawks Phyle
No Report
Night Ravens Phyle
No Report
News from House Primus Goluud
No Report
hey guys, lol, for once, I really dont have a whole lot to say:
RL Life:
All ive been doin is workin like crazy to get my car fixed and save up money for a head unit, lol, so ive been working like a corporate slave.... lol, fun right?
I only have like.... 3 announcements this week, seriously.
#1- Feud. Its over, ummm, no clue who won yet. At least we got the Obelisk portion graded, we didnt do too bad, hopefully we pull out on top of Tarentum. Umm, we got some inner-house comps comin up to keep us in shape until the GJW gets started, prolly sometime during the fall/winter..... so yea, jus cross ur fingers and pray nightly to whatever deity u worship that we beat Tarentum
#2- Stuff. Webpage..... ehhh, its fallen to the side. Im tryin to work on it, but since I cant even get a stupid picture of the citadel, it aint easy. Umm, im workin on some Master/Student Program stuff, im gonna revamp the roster, get some things goin and hopefully it'll see some improvement. I wanna see people at weekly comps too!!
#3- Shyea..... umm, i dont even know what else to write, lol, sad isnt it? Bob basically covers everything and im sure u guys hate readin stuff twice, shyea
congrats to people who got promoted and stuff, werd up
Bob was amazed.
"You report is early CrimsonAngel? You feeling alright?"
"Yep, its the lack of vodka in my system, I can actucally think straight, and i dont end up staring at a blank page for a couple of hours, thinking about what im trying to write."
"I see" Bob said, "Hows Fred?"
"Well he is still training at the moment, but I think he is nearly ready to take on HMR's Monkey, and the IW Penguine" CrimsonAngel Replied
"Anynews on GoatSeal?"
"No, Fred has been rather quiet about the GoatSeal Concept, fanky im still trying to figure out how the whole concpet worked"
News in Breif
Feud Results
Points Totals
Fred's Two CentsLeave
The Following members are on leave:
Khevron RaiPromotions
No promotions this week, but im sure with the feud results finally out, i think a lot of promotions will be given very good, trust me
Feud Results
The results are out. I got to stop deleting emails,but I remember CNS is second overall, and we came third in the obby part.
Congratulations to all that participated!
Congrautulations to everyone who is participating in the weekly MP competitions, and being awarded medals
Points Totals
These are the current point totals as of today!
Fred's Two Cents
Arrf Arrf Arrf
GoatSeal is the spaw from Goatham and a Seal, it has been written in past texts that one day, a GoatSeal will rise up, and take over the Universe. I think that we might be in the process of creating that GoatSeal
Arrf Arrf Arrf
In Closing
Good to see activity, keep it up people.
You might see a RM compeition comming very soon to a HPG near you!
OBM CrimsonAngel (Obelisk)/RM/Primus Goluud of Naga Sadow
IWTO-A/COL CrimsonAngel/MC-80b Heisenberg/IW/EH
Closing Comments from the Consul
With every beginning comes an end, and with every end comes a beginning, with the depature of Priest Keldorn and my assignment as Consul I seek to reform this Clan into what I remember it as when I was nothing but a Flight Leader in Diamond Squadron. Naga Sadow has had troubled times since the depature of Consul Trevarus Caerick, the past year has been full of difficulties and inactivity, that time has finally come to an end. Twleve-months on from the end of our Golden Age I seek to return us to that age, we have had a year off, people have gotten away from us, people have been given freedom, the chance to win and the ability to gloat. No more. Naga Sadow will rise again, we will reform into the Clan we once were, the other Clans have had their chances, they've all mocked us as an easy adversary for far too long. We are the only Clan to remain without a possession. No more. With the coming Great Jedi War I seek to bring us to the top, leaving all other Clans burning in our path, we are the Heirs to the Empire, and we will prove that statement to the rest of the Brotherhood.
Lord Consul Zorrixor
Consul of Clan Naga Sadow
Governor Plenipotentiary of Sif
= Lord Consul, Battlelord Zorrixor, Admiral of the Imperial Navy =
SBL Xanos Goatham Zorrixor (Sith)/CON/Naga Sadow
RSV/AD Xanos Goatham Zorrixor/M-FRG Pheonix/Reserves
MoI-BC/MoT-2rh-6gh/LoC-PSx33/DFC/MoC-1SoC 1GoC
[Officer-4th] [XA-A] [AoT-001]
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