AED Report
1)A new OHC has been appointed congratulations to OW Redneck, we will Prolly be adding him to the mail list soon.
2)A new take on the screenshot comps will be in effect for September, once the web site is built more details will be given.
3)Well the awol check drags out for another week AZ is working on it trying to reconcil the replys because there were some people who didnt follow directions.
4)The obbie part 2 of the fued starts today 8/24 we are going to need a CSk champion to face off against the CSP jk2'ers so if anyone is thinking they are worthy of being CSK Champion JK2'er square off & send the clan summit & the KIR summit the screens so we can decide our champ. Also there should be an SP level to play, once you complete it zip the map, it will be in your map folder in your base folder & send it to the peeps in charge. That detail may change stay glued to the feud site for details
5)dont forget the house comp is still going on I haven't had many submissions; so if your working on a level, skin, or mod for jk1 or jk2 send it in for inclusion in the House Comp
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