Well, the bad news, we had awful showing for the first round of Sith League. Good news, so did almost everyone else. So we need to do better this time around. Everyone who has XvT, go fly Free Mission 11. Get it in to me and the QUA ASAP. Our Fighters are at stake, we can't let the other squadrons move up to custom fighters while we fly our T/Is, it's just not right.
Promotions for the week, Praetorian to PRT, Vladimir to ACO and myself to SBL (yeah, first round is on me this time). On a related note, the Master/Apprentice and Jedi Trials systems are in place. If you are below the rank of DJK, you should find yourself a Master. If you are unsure of what the Trials are about, speak to myself, Vortoq (the Trials Master) or the House Summit.
Returned from Leave
Promoted to SBL
Willing to Take on Apprentice
PRT Praetorian
Made Another Graphic
Promoted to PRT
ACO Shai
No Contact
SBL Domi - FL
Active on Run-on
Active on Email
Willing to take on an Apprentice
PRT Maiko
Flew TIE DB 5
ACO Edward
On and off leave
SBM Frey - FL
Took on Vladimir as Apprentice
ACO Vladimir
Promoted to ACO
Apprenticed to Frey
It was asked of me recently what one must do to earn a promotion in the DB, basically one must be consistently active. Participate in Battleteam/House/Clan events. Flying battles is encouraged, as are taking courses at the Shadow Academy, or IWATS. The DB is a lot more about "role-playing" than the TC is....participating in the Run-On is an excellent way to get more into your character, and to see others. Now with the new systems in place, you will have more help to be active, as your Master will guide you, and the Trials Master will set goals for you. But these are only effective if you show effort on your own. Do not be dismayed if promotions take time, one can only progress so far, so fast. I myself was getting frustrated, I had been at the level of BattleMaster for over a year, finally I was able to acheive greater understanding of the Dark Side, and attain BattleLord.
With this in mind, let's go show the other Squadrons who rules in this Brotherhood!
WO/VA Pel/SSSD Sovereign [T/D "Falchion"]
[GSx2] [SSx2] [BSx4] [PC] [ISMx3] [MoI] [MoT -rh] [LoCx3] [MoC-13D-25P-14G-11S-16B] [CoL] [CoB] [OV-3E]
SBL (Sith)/CMDR/House Tridens of Clan Tarentum, GC/(SC)/DC/(BN)/CoL
"In Obscuritas Credemus"
The Anla'shok - "We're Watching You"
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