Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report


Coming up on Saturday and I am on a tour for 16hrs. Here is the report for this week for SotN, August 24, 2002:


  1. Fiction and poetry comp ends 8/31: see the aleema site for details

  2. K2 Feud stuff:6/7 of SotN submitted for the feud trivia :)

    the story is due very soon, rough but give it a shot



Shups- TET Stuff

        Sith stuff: some wins some medals, pleh  

        Designed some Sith mission  

   Working on K2 schtuff  

   Is a Cowboys fan :))  

   Trivia results: 39/50 :(  

Pendragon- Rollmaster schtuff

                 Trivia results: 44/50 :)  

                 Awarded CoL grats!  

                pro football fan? mail me  

Minerva- trivia results 8/50 :( oh well :P

     Is still a Redskins fan :((  

     Master/Student Program: No report this week  

Garou- trivia results 17/50 :P

         pro football fan? mail me...  

TK-7764- Trivia results 44/50 :)

              working on K2 schtuff  

              pro football fan? mail me...  

Page Meridian- Nothing this week.

                         pro football fan? mail me...  

Arania- Trivia results 43/50 :)

         tough to quit eh? :P  

         pro football fan? mail me...  

Enough Said?

Well we got 6/7 in participation in the trivia. Can ya dig it? :)

K2 schtuff: get that fiction in; What else are ya doin? :P

TET's Thoughts

This feud thing is odd. We got no news from our dear AED or QUA, atleast via email, but I have this to say. SotN is doing very well. We should be proud and lets finish strong peeps. I am indeed very proud of you. I have been in command several times and you are up to par with some of the greats. :))

Master Shups(tempted to taunt but won't, simply due to pride)

FM/COL Shups/Tau 3-4/MC Tripidium


LoC-PS x277/DFC-SWx10/MoC-BoCx7/CoS/CoL/CoB/LoA/OV-3E

[LGNR] [Top-ACE-3rd] [Former XA-TA]

Dark Jedi Master (Krath)/TET/Aleema of Satal Keto,



"Keeping the Talent Happy"

Dossier #367 TIE Corps PIN #1452


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