GRD Reza (Obelisk)/SGT/Kirleta of Satal Keto
Heres the report this week. Some things have been changed. Others restressed.
1) Play in the JK1 and JK2 multiplayer events in #ehcoc, join the IRC channel and type !complist for competition times , or elsewhere, against other DB members. Submit all non competition screens to me so I can keep track fo your progress. for mirc.
3) ONCE AGAIN, I have submitted antoher competition request for "Rezas Friday Night Fight Fest 7:00 PM Eastern US." So far it seems my request ahs once again been ignored by the DGM. Ill drop you guys an e-mail if its approved.
4) Practice Practice and even more Practice! Remeber if you need help in JK2 i'll glady show you some new strategies. I may not be the best fighter out there, but I make a good sprarring parnter! :P
5) Guys e-mail me once a week please!! even if its just your ID line so I know your alive.
6) Read the House and clan reports. They are important, very important.
7)IF YOU NEED TO PLAY A JK2 match im on IRC most of the time, ASK!!!!!!!!!! Thats what im here for!!!!!!!!
Medals this week - GRD Reza - 1 Crescent, 2 CoF's, EH Commendation of Loyalty
If i left you out which i dont think i did please tell me.
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