if you dont all know, which you should Ehart resigned as AED of dinaari,hence why i took applications for AED, which is now closed..an email will be sent
in the next few days announcing the new AED..also, i know that you are all aware of the Leadership review going on right now and i kn ow you all got
an email so you better reply to it.. do a review on me, you would have to do a review on AED but we dont have one right now, so do a leadership
review on me, all the things needed to be answered are in the email that Pred sent..
right now, there is the master and padawan thing going on, basically if your below DJK you can be trained by someone higher than DJK so check that out
at http://www26.brinkster.com/glendon1/CTC/Master/Title.htm , then, of course theres always Mages sunday Special and all the other things..
if your in the GMRG your now required to get at least one CoF every week.. so dont forget that.. (from last week)
3 parts this week due to the AWOL check, which im just getting around to AWOLing people the 3 AWOLed were Daviriv and Alpha Renden, and Vradin
also Myst resigned due to other things.. anyways, there was 2 joins this week... SHARAD is one of them, if you dont know sharad, then basically your
retarded =P we also had another join; ACO Quan Chi joined Dinaari, everyone thats new welcome, and to those who left, well they wont read this so i
cant say anything to them =P
0 promos this week, wtf is this, thats the first time no promos in a while =P
there was 17 awards this week
Mordin - 6 CF's
Serpentor - 6 CF's and a Cresent with Diamond star
CG - 3 CF's
Shadow - 1 CF
Dinaari - http://www.dinaari.org/
Dark Fire Brigade - http://www.dinaari.org/darkfire/
Dark Infantry Elite - Under Construction
ive basically decided after all these comps are over, that ill just do the Brigade Wars thing by hand becuz i dont get PHP =P
the numbers beside your names tells how many strikes you get, once someone gets to 5, you are AWOLed, and will have
to rejoin if you want in. so check in with me on IRC or email me or something everyweek..
Dinaari Roster Currently at 34.
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