September Promotion Evaluation:
Right goddam it you lazy people i want to see work! I'm sure this is a really bad way todo it but I'm gonna MAKE you go for promos!!!
So welcome to the promotion evaluation scheme:
You all know of the jedi trials:
this shows you how to get the next rank! Now monthly i am going to assess individually people to see what they need to do and show them in explicit detail how to get a promo! Now I do make mistakes so e-mail me if you have any queries on stuff you have done and if it counts!
So read your section and do the tasks and lets promo everyone!!!!!!!!!!!
Criteria: All primary, 50% secondary
1) Write a story on topic: initiation to House/phyle
1) Actively participate in at least one run-on
2) Enter a comp.
3) Get commendation from your Mentor
ACTIVITY LEVEL: regular email contact (1/week MINIMUM), remaining active
Novice Deathnor
I would be happy to promote you after you do the inititation task
(I have seen you enter a comp and had e-mails from you)
Novice Marcus Taeleon
I would be happy to promote you after you do the inititation task
(I have seen you enter a comp and had e-mails from you)
Novice Tel-lei
Again, I would be happy to promote you after you do the inititation task
(I have seen you enter a comp and had e-mails from you)
Criteria: All primary, 50% secondary
1) enter 2 comps
2) submit a story/poem/graphic to the house archives
3) construct a competition idea
1) Place in a comp. (1st/2nd/3rd)
2) Get a commendation from your TET
ACTIVITY LEVEL: keep in good email contact + good battle team activity
Acolyte Blade
Since your promotion I have seen you enter my current QUA comp and thats about it atm. I know you have a comp ready for your phyle so thats that bit, and that leaves creating a story for the house archives, and then I'd like to see you get a bit more activity made in HoA by hastling them a wee bit or place in a comp to get your next promotion.
Acolyte Shade
I haven't heard much from you of late and i think since your last promo you have been a bit quiet, so I guess you should start down from the top, and if you enter blade's competition you can aid both of you in getting a promotion! So:
write a story for the archives,
enter my competition: "QUA present" 1 page on a present for my birthday written by 5th september
send a competition idea to me and aragorn
enter ziggys comp or the krath order comp: "a story to set up battles for all of taldryan"
then I will give you a commendation if you can do it in 2 weeks!!!!
so you could be promoted in 2 weeks get going!
Criteria: all of primary and 50% of secondary
1) enter 3 comps
2) submit a story/poem/graphic to the house archives
3) Write a proposal for a house competition and send to AED/QUA
1) Win a comp.
2) Get a commendation from your TET
ACTIVITY LEVEL: keep in good email contact + good battle team activity
Protector Vance Farahl
you've been here a long time now vance and started incredibly well. I fear i've neglected you a small bit. So if memory serves I believe you have 1 comp to enter and a commendation to gain:
enter my competition: "QUA present" 1 page on a present for my birthday written by 5th september
to get a commendation ask bubbles how you can help or me or aragorn or ziggy/pred :-) I need some help with feud stuff so you could easily gain it!
hopefully we could have you promoted in a week
Criteria: all of primary and 50% of secondary!
1) enter 3 comps
2) submit a story/poem/graphic to the house archives
3) Write a proposal for a house competition and send to AED/QUA
1) Win a comp.
2) Get commendation from your TET
3) Run a comp.
4) Enter 2 krath order monthly comps
ACTIVITY LEVEL: keep in good email contact + good battle team activity
Guardian PhoenixMan
right P'man, well you are running trivia which crosses off 1/2 the stuff! so what i would like to see you do to finish off this level is to enter 3 competitions. Please also mail me about how your trivia is going :-)
enter 3 comps: you could try my competition: "QUA present" 1 page on a present for my birthday written by 5th september, ziggy's comp: "a story to set up battles for all of taldryan" and the september krath order comp CC me and enter when they are next released! (2 days or so!)
Jedi Hunter
Criteria: all of primary and 50% of secondary
1) Enter 4 comps OR Win a Comp
2) Enter 2 Krath order monthly comps
3) Do a HTS task ("Help the Summit" - write to summit and ask for your task!)
4) Participate in at least one run-on; if there is no run-on, start one.
2) Passage rite - describe constructing your lightsaber (any story/poem etc.)
1) Have impressed the Ektrosis Council staff over a long period of time.
2) Organise and run a house competition
ACTIVITY LEVEL: Keep in regular email contact + be in a phyle
None at this time
Criteria: all of primary and 50% of secondary
1) Enter 6 comps OR Win two Comps
2) Participate in at least one run-on; if there is no run-on, start one.
3) Update the character profile on the Ektrosis webpage
1) Have impressed the Ektrosis Council staff over a long period of time.
2) Organise and run an additional house competition
3) Do two HTS tasks
4) recieve 2 TET commendations.
ACTIVITY LEVEL: Keep in regular email contact + be in a phyle
Dark Jedi Knight Ahriman'sabaoth
Dark Jedi Knight Airchios Elcyk
Dark Jedi Knight Coranel Both
Dark Jedi Knight Kermee
Please note I am not able to promote you so you must go through the con/pcon! This will require a lot of evidence and time. By now I know you 4 know what todo, so I'd like you to copy/paste this section and keep a record. Then come to me and show me when you think you have covered all primarieds and I will see what i think needs doing!
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