Not much to report this week. University has started for me, so the time in which I approve medals may not be as fast as it used to be. If I don't approve your medals within 48 hours, please e-mail me a reminder. I'd also like to remind everyone that all MP competition results should be sent to both myself and Brian, my Magistrate. His e-mail is
Dark Voice 30 will come out on schedule. Submissions will be closed on September 10th, so please get them in soon! September 14th, for those curious, is next Saturday. Also, a little clarification on the Dark Voice Citation: instead of the 50% rule, it will be instead the House that has the most members submit something. Therefore, if only one member from House Whatever submits three items, but three members from House Whomever submits one itme, then House Whomever gets the citation.
This week saw a nice batch of high-level medals awarded, not the least being a Ruby Sceptre to Michael Halcyon for his development of the Master/Student program.
Medal Requested: Steel Cross (SC)
Requested for: OBM Raistlin (Obelisk)
Requested by: OW Bob (Obelisk)
Reason given for request:For an outstanding job in his time as Aedile of House Primus Goluud. Raistlin helped rebuild the house from nothing to an active house in the Brotherhood. Leading by example and constructing new programs that will help the house in the future. Also for his work on the house's history,
Medal Requested: Steel Cross (SC)
Requested for: DJK Sylph (Obelisk)
Requested by: OBM Bob (Obelisk)
Reason given for request: For outstanding work leading his brigade in the Clan Fued and having the most JK2 wins from HPG in the fued.
Medal Requested: Steel Cross (SC)
Requested for: SW Gidda (Sith)
Requested by: SBM Darkmage (Sith)
Reason given for request: A great example of leadership to all the Dark brotherhood not just HC His squadron is like a well oiled machine and everyone in the house looks up to SW Gidda An excellent example of leadership since his elavation to battle team commander leaves me no choice but to recomend him of this reward -SBM Darkmage
<table><tr><td></td><td valign="top"><font face="Verdana" color="#9400D3">Shadow Adept/Pontifex Pharaun "Shadonyx" Illistyn</font>
Chancellor of the Dark Brotherhood
Editor-in-Chief of the Dark Voice</td></tr></table>
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