Well my dark brothers and Sisters the Old QUA is back from leave and I have caught up with the EH Back log that has consumed my Time
The house battle Teams did Good in the Sith League and Nightshade pulled Hyperion in the next Round, Good luck there Nightshade
The clan Feud is over and we are awaiting the Results, hopefully that will be some good news there
The house flying Competition will be resuming this month as soon as I can find out what has happened to the Comp approval forms on the XOs site
The house Numbers have increased back to 30 so that is pleasing and with the summer drawing to a close Activity levels in the EH and the house are Rising
Nightstalker Battle Team
Warrior Demothenes has decided real life commitments have caught up with him, and is stepping down from the responsibity of Battle Team Commander
This position will be open to application.
Warrior Demosthenes is a great warrior and I hope he will remain in the House in some form or another , Thankyou for your dedication and commitment to your Team
Position requirements : Time and desire , Prove those 2 things to me and the Rank and XP will work itself out afterwards
The masters of the house can you please send me a progress report on your Current students please, Lets keep the rank elevation Flowing
Star Wars Galactic Battle Grounds Competition
As I said in a recent email to the House the Grand master may be Holding a SWGB Competition and i have signed up, If any of you have the platform in Question then
email me and tell me you would like to partake
Thats all for this Week
SBM Darkmage
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