Nightshade Squadron
Report #2
Week ending Thursday September 12
Commander: GRD Jaron Kai
- We have made it into the first round of the Sith Squadron League Tournament, great job! Details are in the competition section.
- Please welcome ACO Diedre Varn, NOV Penfold and ACO Bizzare, they recently transfered into Nightshade
- The squad has a new internal competition, medals will be awarded to the two people who fly the most missions from September 8th to September 31st
- I apologize for the lack of a report last week, I was off at music camp and my schedule got messed up.
GRD Jaron Kai - Flew TIE-TC #22, 31, 34, TIE-FREE #80
DJK Zekk Terrik - IRC/AIM Contact
DJK Dark Angel - E-mail Contact
PRT Aeolus Almasy - IRC Contact
ACO Bizzare - Flew XWA-FREE #4, TIE-FREE #80, IRC/AIM Contact
ACO Diedre Varn - Joined Nightshade, E-Mail/IRC Contact
NOV Diedre Varn >>> ACO
NOV Bizzare >>> ACO
Congrats on the promos and welcome to Nightshade!
Sith Squadron League(SSL) Tournament Round #1
- Fly TIE-TC #48 "Ski Hoth" and submit it to me, Darkmage, Kane Reese and Hades by Wednesday
September 18th at 11:59PM EST. We need great participation, remember that we get points for any submission.
Squad Fly-Off
- Catchy name, eh? Anyway, each mission you fly, and each CF you earn counts for one point. Any submissions for the SSL or House Flying Comp count double! The person with the most points earns an Emerald Star, second place gets a Topaz Star. Competition runs from September 8th to September 31st!
ACO Bizzare - 2 Points
PRT Yun - 1 Point
Note: I decided to give points for the submission for the last round of SSL, even though they were due in on the 7th.
Fly for the Sith Squadron League(SSL), House Flying Comp, and Squad Fly-Off
Do other active things, send e-mails, get on IRC, write a fic, do a graphic, etc...
Contact me at least once a week, and tell me what you think of the color scheme...
Submitted by:
GRD Jaron Kai (Sith)/CMDR/Caliburnus of Scholae Palatinae
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