I'm looking for a Magistrate to perform the following duties:
Patrolling the Dark Brotherhood Message Board for MoC awarding purposes. Must hand in an accurate post count to both myself and COMMA Wes Janson WEEKLY. Will also be responsible for recommending MoCs (when necessary).
Processing CFs from TIE Corps competitions.
And any other duties that crop up along the way. Please send applications to me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] with any experience that you have and why you feel you're right for the position. To ensure that the person I hire has ample time to do the tasks (I imagine that post-counting can be very time consuming) I will NOT hire anyone that is AED or higher, or has other time extensive dutires in other SubGroups. Please be honest in your applications and make sure you KNOW you'll have the time and dedication to do the job. I hope to have my Magistrate hired by next week, so get those applications in!
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