Well, the first week under my guide is passed and I got a reply from ONLY 2 persons, Keiran and Brenn and that really piss me off. Now since I'll be onleave till monday you have 2 more days to reply to my awol check before I kicks yer out. There are no special news about the Krath at this time on the db domanin or his MB but you can still check the Krath mb and our CLAN on. About it I'd like to reminds you that there's a run on now running so GO AND POST YOU "£$% !!
Since I'm your boss and I'll be in charge till Ase and Bant get rid of me (=P) you have to do what I want you to so keep in mind that if you don't tells me what kind of activities you'll like to see I just won't be able to settle down activities that each one could like (hint hint). Beginning now, I chose infact to create a new activity for you so I can KEEP track of what ya'r doing. I'll be starting a specific topic each week in wich you have to write what your character has done in that week and what you HAVE done. Basicly you have to post twice ( in the same message ) one In Character (ic)and one Out of Character (ooc). The kraths are studious and sorcer as well as writers and if you joined the Krath to be lazy or just inactive I really suggest you to move to another Clan cuz there's no space in Alvaak or in Dominatus lazyness.
I'm working on a Praetorious page so if anywant wonna gimme an hand is welcome.
None at this moment, I'm waiting to know how many persons I have.
Activity Record:
Brenn Tantor
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Just get back from an emergency leave.
Clara Icewolf
Nothing reported.
Enerum Shka
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Nothing reported.
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Nothing reported.
Jacob Van Nowak
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Nothing reported.
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Nothing reported.
Keiran Idanian
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Writing stories to entertain us heh
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Doing my TET job ( or at last trying to ) and working on our site.
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Nothing reported.
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Nothing reported.
Sekriss "The Ghost" Jagdwikk
Nothing reported.
Nothing reported.
KAP Khan (Krath)/TET/Dominatus of Alvaak
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