Quaestor Shups reporting in for House Aleema of Satal Keto
September 21, 2002 Report #2
"So what you are saying is, the man was evil," the dark robed figure said in a flat voice as he frantically searched the room, flinging papers and gear everywhere.
The woman sitting in the room's only chair shook her head. It was increasingly difficult to speak with this man. She ran a hand through her hair and continued, "Of course he was. He hurt millions."
"Oh, I see," the dark robed one said as he sorted through an enormous pile of disks. "So if you hurt people you are evil then."
"So people like doctors and parents are evil?"
"What? What are you talking about?"
"No, no, no where is that disk?" he continues as he turns towards another pile, discarding each, one by one, after looking at them.
"Doctors cut, pull, bend the body in order to heal it. Parents discipline with pain. They hurt. It doesn't make them evil," he tosses yet another disk away.
"You are comparing doctors and parents with "
"Here it is!" he shouts triumphantly.
"What is it already?" she yells back.
"This week's Quaestor report sweetie," he says smiling and holding it aloft.
DB News
Always check out the DB news link for up to the minute stuff:
Cooch has been letting us down on the Krath topic schtuff. L
Clan & House News
FEUD Results: We lost. Hard to tell tho by the amount of medals we all got. Good job to everyone who whipped it up. No doubt Gordo will list all medal winners. Novas are to be awarded next.
New TET of AoD is Tronsta. Grats bro!
New website is in the works. 2nd week in a row.
If you find yourself saying, "What is going on?" then you need to look at: http://www.isdchallenge.org/csk/forum/
TET Reports
Angels of Death: Yes, listed on DB website
Spirits of the Night: Yes, listed on DB website
Very good job this week TET's. Finally Aleema is running strong.
Current Competitions
Aleeman Warning Labels Round 3! Topic: Sonic Screwdriver
Guys, Gordo is running this one round. He forgot to tell us whom we were up against but e-mails sent will solve it. Results should be out soon. Arion needs to send in his submission!
Competition Name: Aleema Motto Comp
Competition Start: 09/17/02
Competition End: End of Sept
Competitors: Aleema phyles AoD and SotN members
Competition Medals: Crescent: Amethyst for the best one
Comp details: House Aleema needs a new motto. Award for the best one. Contest ends at the end of September. Multiple submissions are fine!
Another quick and fun one peeps...think yours is dumb? I want it! Think yours is funny? I want it! Think yours is so dark? Send it!
All submissions go to [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
I have around 30 for this but I want more, more, more!!!!!!!!!
Finally, there is an outside the clan comp for Master/Student types. Details are here:
Signups are due in by October 20. Now peeps: We got 15 members with nearly an exact amount needed for Masters and Students. If you don't have DJK by the time this comp ends it's totally your fault. It will be a lot of work for all involved but totally worth it.
Aleema Teams (Master/Student):
Deus Excelsior/Minerva Sanchez Villa-Lobos
Shups/Page Meridian
Daavak Tronsta Cantor/Maradis Jenkar
Taking the time to do this one will get ya noticed, especially in Aleema by me. Getting our house members all to DJK would be rewarded well.
Quaestor's Lounge
Well we lost the feud. The Clan did; Satal Keto. Based on medals Aleema did not. I personally took first place in a Sith portion. Don't be too bummed about it. Then I found out that we have never won a feud. That's a rumor. Hrrmm.
Next up, Arania has sent a few mails this week that were interesting. I'll be sending out a mail directly to her after this report.
Comps Keep up the good work peeps. Keep sending submissions! I got a few that are super good, but I want a bomb MOTTO!
Message boards read em. The clan site: TETs post the news!
Reminder: As a Tyro, remember on all activity, CC or simply mail your TET. This gets you good schtuff I know, look at my ID line. :P
CSP Vs CSK FEUD RESULTS: Exact ones even, will be on the MB shortly after this report.
I think that's all
That's it the "old man" is spent again
FM/COL Shups/Tau 3-4/MC Tripidium
LoC-PS x279/DFC-SWx10/MoC-BoCx7/CoS/CoL/CoB/LoA/OV-3E
[LGNR] [Top-ACE-3rd] [Former XA-TA]
Dark Jedi Master (Krath)/QUA/Aleema of Satal Keto,
"Keeping the Talent Happy"
Dossier #367 TIE Corps PIN #1452
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