hi all!
2 weeks ago i cmplained cause of the low medal count, last week i complained cause they were too many....... this week i complain cause they are so much i got drowned in them! all i can say is congrats to those awarded and keep up the good work all. to the others i say you see if you put some effort into this clan you'll get rewarded for it! so hopp to it! :P
so we lost the feud, not that big point diffrence but we still lost it! :/
what we need is a bit more work frmo every one, if you see the medals section you'll see we done really good on individual basis, the entered submissions were of great quality, bad thing there are not many of them.....
btw i recc'd novas for the top three of each order, now shadownyx say "I don't know who told you that your Feud was getting Novas, but he or she was seriously mistaken. " good thing the who was Astatine , and that i have a log of it, infact the log indicates that Ast is asking him while talking to me, i really hate it when some peeps act surprised to stuff already agreed upon, looks mighty unprofessional to me! :/
anyway of those 9 novas we secured 6, more details on these when he actually hands them out.
not really in the mood to say much... only this welcome to our new members, i hope with you and a bit more motivated rest we can do better in the upcoming GJW.
btw note the feud medals special section!
note for full feud points go check the aleema MB (don't know where it is? it's in the same location as the clan , galthain and kirleta MB's :P)
nice work all and congrats!! :)
Medal Requested: Star of Eos (SE)
Requested for: KE Kaiann (Krath)
Medal Requested: Cluster of Fire (CF)
Requested for: JH Reza (Obelisk) x8
Medal Requested: Cluster of Fire (CF)
Requested for: OBM Waza Sunrider (Obelisk)
Medal Requested: Dark Cross (DC)
Requested for: OBM Gryffon (Obelisk)
Medal Requested: Steel Cross (SC)
Requested for: JH Reza (Obelisk)
Medal Requested: Steel Cross (SC)
Requested for: OBM Waza Sunrider (Obelisk)
Medal Requested: Cluster of Fire (CF)
Requested for: ACO Jari (Obelisk)
Medal Requested: Cluster of Fire (CF)
Requested for: GRD Markr (Obelisk) x3
Medal Requested: Crescent w/ Ruby Star (R)
Requested for: JH Reza (Obelisk)
Medal Requested: Crescent w/ Amethyst Star (A)
Requested for: JH Reza (Obelisk)
Medal Requested: Crescent w/ Ruby Star (R)
Requested for: GRD Markr (Obelisk)
Medal Requested: Legion of the Scholar (LS)
Requested for: KE Kaiann (Krath)
Medal Requested: Crescent w/ Ruby Star (R)
Requested for: DJM Shups (Krath)
Reason given for request:
First place in the K-1 event of the CSP vs CSK feud.
Medal Requested: Crescent w/ Amethyst Star (A)
Requested for: JH Pendragon (Krath)
Reason given for request:
Joint Second place in K-1 event in CSK vs CSP feud
Medal Requested: Crescent w/ Amethyst Star (A)
Requested for: GRD Minerva Sanchez Villa-Lobos Ramirez (Krath)
Reason given for request:
Joint Second place in K-1 event in CSK vs CSP feud
Medal Requested: Crescent w/ Ruby Star (R)
Requested for: KE Daavak "Tronsta" Cantor (Krath)
Reason given for request:
First place in the K-2 event of the CSP vs CSK feud.
Medal Requested: Crescent w/ Ruby Star (R)
Requested for: DJM Shups (Krath)
Reason given for request:
First place in Sith-1 event in CSK vs CSP feud
Medal Requested: Crescent w/ Amethyst Star (A)
Requested for: JH Vessicant (Sith)
Reason given for request:
Second place in Sith-2 event in CSK vs CSP feud
Medal Requested: Crescent w/ Ruby Star (R)
Requested for: OBM Darkheart (Obelisk)
Reason given for request:
First place in Obelisk-1 event in CSK vs CSP feud
Medal Requested: Crescent w/ Amethyst Star (A)
Requested for: DJK Maradis Jenkar (Krath)
Reason given for request:
2nd place in Open Run-On event of CSP vs CSK feud
Medal Requested: Crescent w/ Ruby Star (R)
Requested for: SBL Gord Darkonian (Sith)
Reason given for request:
Joint 1st place in Open Trivia event in CSP vs CSK feud
Medal Requested: Crescent w/ Ruby Star (R)
Requested for: DJK Ari (Sith)
Reason given for request:
Joint 1st place in Open Trivia event in CSP vs CSK feud
Medal Requested: Crescent w/ Sapphire Star (S)
Requested for: JH Vessicant (Sith)
Reason given for request:
Joint 3rd place in Open Trivia event of CSP vs CSK feud
Medal Requested: Crescent w/ Sapphire Star (S)
Requested for: KE Kaiann (Krath)
Reason given for request:
Joint 3rd place in Open Trivia event of CSP vs CSK feud
Medal Requested: Crescent w/ Amethyst Star (A)
Requested for: SW Arso Slyth (Sith)
Reason given for request:
2nd place in Open Ladder Event of CSK vs CSP feud
i just noticed that the medals for the gfx event are missing
first place and a ruby CR for deus excelsior (krath) (that was recc'd , did you get it avengeroand my mail only bounced it back or did you not ? )
second place and an amethyst goes to Kaden Naberrie, (problem here i couldn't rec that cause i did not find him on the database , or kweek ... so if you have any idea what name he goes by atm tell me pls! :P)
some nice and high lvl promos this week! congrats to those with a new light saber and those who becme as powerful as me! :P
Vessicant (Sith)
Old Rank: Guardian (GRD)
New Rank: Jedi Hunter (JH)
Selket Isis Entar (Sith)
Old Rank: Guardian (GRD)
New Rank: Jedi Hunter (JH)
Dark Hawk (Sith)
Old Rank: Jedi Hunter (JH)
New Rank: Dark Jedi Knight (DJK)
Azazel DjoTarr (Obelisk)
Old Rank: Battlemaster (OBM)
New Rank: Battlelord (OBL)
congrats all and keep up the good work! :)
this week we welcome two peeps to to the clan :
Novice Jagged Fel who joins House Aleema of Satal Keto &
Novice Brat Stone who joins House Kirleta of Satal Keto
i know of a third one on the way i guess he got to submitt his transfer request ! an avanced welcome to Sith Battlemaster Pyralis, who decided to join galthain! (you still need to request your transfer in ! anyprobs? go bug Corran Foirce the MAA. or Drako he is the CON around here :P )
some courses taken this week, those who done them can only be commended! (even that Drako guy! :P)
Sith Flight Studies: Enemy Starfighter Engineering and Technology course:
Jagged Fel (Krath)
Sith Basic Studies Course:
Vessicant (Sith)
AshMaster (Sith)
Krath Grammar Studies Course:
Jagged Fel (Krath)
Krath Basic Studies Course:
Minerva Sanchez Villa-Lobos Ramirez (Krath)
DB Leadership Studies course:
Drako (Sith)
ok this one has been long enough already! laters all and till next week.. or on irc... or when you mail me! :P
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