Banshee Brigade Report #5
W/E Thursday 26th September 2002
This is the first of what will be a steady stream of regular reports, now that the house is on the rise again and I can be bothered working for it :)
Some good developments this week, with a hint of activity in the Brigade after this dormant period.
[:: NEWS ::]
-I am working on a HDS skinpack for JK1, which remains my favourite game to this day. I don't know what QUA Gravin has in mind for Banshee, but it has been a JK1 brigade since I became SGT. I'd like to keep it this way, with a second JK2-only brigade formed to accommodate those people. It's easier to run comps and maintain activity when all the troopers use a common game platform. Anyway, if you would like a skin of yours added to the skinpack then email it to me. I will also be taking requests for skins, so if you want one then email me with full descriptive details and/or a pic for me to use as reference.
-NOV Ryonne promoted to Acolyte (ACO). Congrats!
-OW Jacen Aylen joined the Brigade.
-OW Ryell Zoith joined the Brigade.
[:: ACTIVITY ::]
GRD Xanakh
-Participated in several EH combat events
-Worked on graphics and JK skins
-Went recruiting on the Zone
-Active on IRC
ACO Ryonne
-Participated in several EH combat events
-Active on IRC
OW Jacen
-Active on IRC
OW Ryell
-Active on IRC
That's it for this week, folks.
GRD Xanakh (Obelisk)/SGT/Dorimad Sol of Scholae Palatinae
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