House Caliburnus Quaestor Report
Alrighty then were to start
The house activity this week has been fantastic , not everyone is back to full activity with alot of people returning to university or College , however the house has taken alot of courses this week and i am glad to see pilot files turning up in my Mail box once again
There was also alot of promotions this week , i would like to personally congratualte every one who earned there promotion
Well Done
The house Has a couple of competitions on the go and more on the Way
All of the house opinions counts so if you have an idea or perhaps you have seen a competition some were else that you think really Rocked
Let the house summit know , remember you opinions count so let them be know
In your polling options there is a poll being undertaken in were we will be starting in SW Galaxies
Fill it in
from what i have read in the magazines here in the UK , it has been put back till Febuary next year
Ladies and Gentlemen, Krath, Obelisk, and Sith, Low-rankers and High-rankers, Masters and Students, you are all very welcome to sign up for
[img] [/img]
This is the ultimate competition for Master-Student pairings. In this competition Masters and Students will have to work their way together through 7 tasks to win the competition, get nice medals and be listed as the best Master-Student Team in the DB!
This first DB-wide MS competition unfortunately only features Krath events but all Orders are invited to have their teams sign up and to participate, so you Obelisk and Sith teams can get the chance to show that you can beat the Krath on their own territory. The next DB-wide competition will cater for all Clans and teams will be able to gain points in all DB aspects.
If you have questions or want to sign up, you can find my e-mail addy and the information needed to sign up on the MSC3 page ( ), or for questions use the message-board, found in the DB section of the main EH message boards, or drop me an email (mailto:[Log in to view e-mail addresses]). While email may be a little faster, using the MB means that other people with the same question will see it there rather than me getting the same mail over and over againÂ…
The deadline for signing up is the 20th of October. This gives you all time to organise Master Student Pairings if you are not already in one, and prepare yourself for the ultimate experience! =P
DJK Death
I don't know if any of you masters are interested in this competition being a krath event but think it over !
Remember Sith are ace pilots and the obbies are great ground troops but the Krath are the people who hide in star bases and write about what the other
orders do , You want to stomp them ? email the QUA and let him know
Some really nice medals were handed out this week with SW Gidda once again being honoured highly in the shape of a Grand Dark cross of the Dark side
A full list of the promotions and courses are below
House news
Welcome to the house JH Aeishline Strathaven she gas already joined one of the house teams , please every one give her a warm welcome
It also seen SW Demos leave the house to Take a QUA Job in another house , Good luck to him I hope he achieve something there he never achieved here
Activity :P . Soon i will be challenging his new house to some good old Battle Team combat , you guys up for some ass whooping .
Good !!!
-- A Crescent w/ Amethyst Star has been awarded to GRD Alsdyr.
-- A Crescent w/ Ruby Star has been awarded to SW Gidda.
-- A Crescent w/ Sapphire Star has been awarded to JH Jaron Kai.
-- A Dark Cross has been awarded to GRD Yun.
-- A Dark Cross has been awarded to DJK Zekk Terrik. Go me! (a little
shameless self-promotion there :)).
-- A Grand Cross of the Dark Side has been awarded to SW Gidda.
-- PRT Alsdyr has advanced to the rank of GRD!
-- GRD A. G. Snijglau has advanced to the rank of JH!
-- NOV EH Darkshadow has advanced to the rank of ACO!
-- ACO Bizzare has advanced to the rank of PRT!
-- GRD Jaron Kai has advanced to the rank of JH!
-- GRD Phoenix has advanced to the rank of JH!
JH Jaron Kai has passed the house MPF Course
JH Yun has passed the Dark lords of Sith course
-- Artyis has passed the Basic Sith Studies Course.
-- Jaron Kai has passed the DB Leadership Course.
-- Jaron Kai has passed the Basic Sith Studies Course.
-- Jaron Kai has passed the Basic Krath Studies Course.
-- Darkmage has passed the DB Leadership Course.
-- Kane Reese has passed the DB Leadership Course.
-- Yun has passed the ISET Course.
-- Yun has passed the ESET Course.
Well done every one
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