Not much to report this week, actually. A lot of very nice medals were distributed this week on the account that their recommendations were very, very good. New Quaestors and other leaders, please make sure to review the Medal Guide and the Awards section of the Dark Side Compendium to familiarize yourselves with the proper medals for competitions and the criteria required for merit medals. This will prevent mix-ups and errors.
Korbane is looking for a Webmaster for the Dark Voice. If you are interested, please contact him at [Log in to view e-mail addresses].
Medal Requested: Sapphire Blade (SB)
Requested for: KAP Bant Komad (Krath)
The request was made by: DJM Mairin Astoris (Krath)
Reason given for request: As recommended by SWL Tron Sadow: To my knowledge he has been an active participant in the Krath Monthly Topic setting an example for the entire house as well as encouraging them to participate, he has held a series of regular Run-on competitions by which he measures the house members progression. Their are also fiction competitions which are based on set topics and he grades them. These competitions end with members recieving awards of one sort or another. He has taken up the job to create a house website. He instituted a mandatory character profile for each members, in which they were to say more than the basics about their character so that they'd make a history and get involved. He has served as Aedile for quite some time and has even taken over as acting QUA while Aseret was on leave and did an extraordinary job. His consistent service is an example for all.
As recommended by DJM Mairin Astoris: Bant has been a long-standing member of the DB, and has been an Aedile since House Dominatus was first formed. His work has been continually exemplary, and his attempts to improve the activity levels and membership numbers within Dominatus are extremely good. I have no qualms in recommending him for this award - his hard work more than qualifies him for the same.
Medal Requested: Sapphire Blade (SB)
Requested for: KAP Saitou (Krath)
The request was made by: KE Cuchulain (Krath)
Reason given for request: Saitou is one of the major cogs in CSP. As PCON I know that if I give him a job he will do it as quickly as possible and to the best of his abilities, and he has done this throughhout his full reign as PCON. Though recently events meant that I was unavailable to be online as much as I like and stepped up his pace to run, and lead CSP to a victory in, a Clan Feud against CSK. His actions over the last few months has made him poplar all across the Clan, and he is much more than a PCON. This is the only award I have given him since he took his post, as I believe in larger awards being more accessible to the general membership, and this is one of those occasions where this award is truly deserved.
Medal Requested: Sapphire Blade (SB)
Requested for: SBL Gord Darkonian (Sith)
The request was made by: SWL Drako (Sith)
Reason given for request: Gord has been once again an exceptional PCON. Not only covering for his Consul in his absence, but designing and administrating a Clan fued. Always there to help members, solving summit problems and house matters, there's nothing this guy couldn't handle! For his efforts beyond the call of duty, as well as his continuing excellent PCON duties he still performs I wish to award him a SB!
Medal Requested: Grand Cross of the Dark Side (GC)
Requested for: SW Gidda (Sith)
The request was made by: KE Cuchulain (Krath)
Reason given for request: Gidda is a shining example to everyone in the Clan with his unrelenting activity. His encouragement to others in the Clan to take part in competitions is second only to his QUA, and he is looked upon as a extra leader in his House, if not the Clan. During the feud he was the person who kept sending emails out to people to take part to EVERYONE, not just his own House when the MSC was created in CSp he was the one who asked that it be takn into his House and is always trying to get more member to take part I'm hoping that he'll be doing exactly the same when the MSC3 starts.
Medal Requested: Grand Cross of the Dark Side (GC)
Requested for: DJK Loor (Krath)
The request was made by: KE Cuchulain (Krath)
Reason given for request: From QUA Mejas Doto: Loor has served as Aedile for many months, continually working hard for both Clan and House. He has submitted frequently in the KMT and also took part in the recent Clan Feud against CSK. He is loyal and hard working, consistently working productively with other summit members and the general membership of HAD. He has drawn up documents of protocol that will be used Clan wide and is currently in the middle of writing the next House wide competition.
CON's thoughts: Loor has been a cornerstone in HAD - our own Mr Reliable. It is the view of the Clan Summit (and the current QUA) that Loor will be the next QUA without any problems what-so-ever. I fully support this award... and more...
Medal Requested: Grand Cross of the Dark Side (GC)
Requested for: KP Khaen (Krath)
The request was made by: KE Cuchulain (Krath)
Reason given for request: From QUA Mejas Doto: Khaen as served as Tetrarch of Drynwyn's Flame Phyle or several months now. He has created a truly elite Phyle, with an excellent membership and high quality workload being produced from them. Such long term dedication to the one unit and the benefits that HAD have reaped due to this unit have been great.
Consul's thoughts: Being an ex-TET of DF, I'm very happy to see it has been lead to such strengths again. It's Elite Phyle statis means that all members will participate in 100% of comepitions and any member who fails to do so are removed. Under Khaen's excellent leadership it is thriving again, and members from all across the Clan are using his methods to enhance their own Battle Teams. His excallent sense of humour is second only to his professionalism, and if we could talk Ronin into paying us all, he'd be getting as much as me. Congratulations Khaen, and keep up the excellent work.
Medal Requested: Steel Cross (SC)
Requested for: OW Ryell Zoith (Obelisk)
The request was made by: OW Ric Gravin (Obelisk)
Reason given for request: Has revised the Master/Student Program for the the house as well as teaching some new members about HDS. Has helped his QUA out many times in work and skill and knowledge with-in the House.
<td valign="top"><font face="Verdana" color="#9400D3">Pontifex Pharaun "Shadonyx" Illistyn</font>
Chancellor of the Dark Brotherhood
</td> </tr> </table>
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