Hex Phyle Weekly Report #3
September 28, 2002
Tetrarch's Two Cents
Feud is in progress, however, it looks like it's just PRT Vance Farahl, DJK Ahriman'sabaoth, and myself working on it. Ahriman'sabaoth is doing the timeline, and Vance made a nice fiction piece to pretty it up...however, that leaves the other four parts to me...as I'm struggling with this [/me rambles on for a little while...you get up, grab a cookie, eat it, and come back] section 2 of the Recon. Report, if anyone wants to give me a hand with one of the remaining sections, email me ASAP!
The Ektrosis-HAD feud...go HEX!!!
DJK Coranel Both (TET)--idled on #taldryan quite a bit, and am working on the Feud.
PRT Vance Farahl (Tyro)--Submitted his thing for the feud.
KAP Blitzkrieg (Tyro)--nothing, that I know of...
DJK Ahriman'sabaoth (Tyro)--Is currently working on feud stuff...
NOV Seiko (Tyro)--informed me that Seiko is going to be gone for the next two weeks (last week, that is)...hurry back!
Dark Jedi Knight Coranel Both
DJK Coranel Both (Krath)/TET/Ektrosis of Taldryan
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