House Marka Ragnos Weekly Report #21 - September 28th, 2002
House News:
This is the list of AWOL's so far:
<pre> Epis Daihok Epis Khobai Archpriest Iylan Kano Priest Tomaas Banys Dark Jedi Knight Figaro Dark Jedi Knight Ghost Angel Dark Jedi Knight Kant Lavar Dark Jedi Knight Sylph Guardian Thomas Solo Protector Thelea Jeth Acolyte Arcadius Calidus Acolyte Imperial </pre>
If you're on that list, you WILL be AWOL'd after Friday if you haven't sent in a reply.
Night Hawk Tetrarch: Night Hawk Tetrarch is open for applications. If you feel you've got what it takes, send an application to me ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]), Aedile Tomaas ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) and Consul Goatham ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]). These are the requirement(s) I have added: You must pass the Leadership course located at the Shadow Academy.
Leave Status: I will be going on leave from Monday to sometime Tuesday and I will not have any internet access at all. I'll be too busy poking drunks with sticks as I'm going to a party. Yay, go me. Anywho, for that time, Tomaas will be in charge. Once I get back, all medal requests for the monthly writing comp will be sent in.
Quaestor: KAP J`Rai
Aedile: KP Tomaas Banys
NH Tetrarch: TBA
<pre> Epis Daihok Epis Khobai Archpriest Iylan Kano Archpriest J'Rai Priest Tomaas Banys Dark Jedi Knight Figaro Dark Jedi Knight Ghost Angel Dark Jedi Knight Jaguar Dark Jedi Knight Kant Lavar Dark Jedi Knight Sylph Guardian Thomas Solo Protector Thelea Jeth Acolyte Arcadius Calidus Acolyte Imperial </pre>
Clan News
Order News:
Krath High Priest Report
Posted By DJM Mairin Astoris - 9/28/2002
Short one this time around -
1: Monthly Topics for October will be out on Monday
2: There are some votes in train amidst the Krath Summits to do with working out structured rewards for House Summits and also about whether or not to add Tetrarchs onto the Summit list. These will be done shortly, and work will commence on from the results of those.
3: Work continues on the Wargame. I hope that that will be ready to start by November.
4: The Combat Centre is looking fab and I hope it'll be ready to go on release 1 by the middle of October. JaM3z and ^CyberGuy^ have been doing a great job with the code, and it's looking fab at the moment!
5: Murder Mystery League 2 will be go on 20th October. Prepare thyselves! </pre>
Whose Line is it Anyway comes to HMR: I have 3 people, if 2 don't back out. Remember folks, this is a completely on IRC competition. I'll have a page setup with all the necessary info soon.
Combat Tournament: It's in it's final fight - Tomaas Vs. Kant Vs. Jaguar. A 3-way fight to the death (or whatever, if you don't plan to kill :P)
Monthly Writing Comp: Scores reset every month, awards given out for highest and second highest score. Info can be found at:
That's it for this week, there were no promotions or awards, but we'll be getting more of those soon.
~Archpriest J`Rai
Quaestor of HMR
Master of the Blood Rage
Owner of Coconut Monkey
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