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<table border="1" bordercolor="#881CA0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" width="98%" class="table"> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <p class="report">**Title: Tetrarch Report #3 (2002.10.03) Summary
Type: Tetrarch Report Summary
Date: Thursday, 03 October, 2002
Update by: **[Tirna Q'jira](mailto:Tirna_Qjira@yahoo.com)
</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2">
<p class="report" align="center">Summary of Tetrarch Report #3 (2002.10.03)
</p><p class="report" align="center">![-=-=-=- (Bar)](http://pages.prodigy.net/aysha_minion/_uimages/Bar.jpg)</p>
<p class="report">For those of you who had no noticed, the Ebon Cloak holosite layout has been modified slightly so that the side-bars are a fixed width, enabling the main table to enlarge in bigger monitor sizes and making for less scrolling in the end. Hopefully this affect is pleasing, if not let me know.</p>
<p class="report">We also have a new poll concerning what types of competitions you'd like to see in the future. Please take a moment to vote and afterwards post your more detailed thoughts in a discussion for which the topic I will provide, under general discussion. I want to know what you want, and be able to give it to you, so start using that submission form for competitions, the message board and the mailing list. And, speaking of the message board, if you haven't signed up an account for it, go ahead and do so using your character's name minus rank. The rank will be added in the title that accompanies each of your posts. The link can be found on the Ebon Cloak holosite.</p>
<p class="report">September's monthly topic draws to a close on the seventh, but October's topic has already begun, so start considering what to write. The topic for fiction this month is "The Haunting" to coincide with Halloween. Further details can be found on the Ebon Cloak holosite under "Competitions" as usual.</p>
<p class="report">On another note about competitions the deadline is this Saturday, so please, please, please try and get your submissions in by Friday or at the latest early Saturday morning. I'll need some time to sort them out and make a coherent single entry for our Phyle, that is, if we wish to place at all, which I am sure you all do.</p>
<p class="report">On a different note, I would like to remind everyone that our main goal in Ebon Cloak is to get people promoted, and many of you are very close to promotion, so if you are not sure where you stand please look over the requirements section of the holosite or email me and ask. I'd like to see some promotions next week.</p>
<p class="report">Acolyte Detori Koth is still on a leave of absence, though Zedder and Talons have returned to some extent as their life and injuries permit. Get well soon, Talons. I would also like to welcome two new members to Ebon Cloak: Acolyte Marcus Gladius Octavianus and Guardian Erryc Lasitter. You are both very welcome here and I hope to get the chance to see you both in action soon.</p>
<p class="report">That's pretty much it this week. No Dark Hand's report, so I'm taking over his duties this week. Hopefully next week will see another report from our dear Ktulu.</p>
<p class="report" align="center">![-=-=-=- (Bar)](http://pages.prodigy.net/aysha_minion/_uimages/Bar.jpg)</p>
<p class="report" align="center">End Summary</p>
<p class="report" align="center">![-=-=-=- (Bar)](http://pages.prodigy.net/aysha_minion/_uimages/Bar.jpg)</p>
<p class="report">GRD [Tirna Q'jira](http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/dossier.asp?ID=1839) (Krath)/TET/[Acclivis Draco](http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/ViewUnit.asp?ID=28) of [Scholae Palatinae](http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/ViewUnit.asp?ID=10)/(SE)/Cr-1A/(LSS)/
Tetrarch and Webmaster of Ebon Cloak Phyle
"We all have a heritage. We all have a destiny. Whether we embrace it and become as we truly are meant to be, that is another matter entirely..."</p>
</td> </tr> </table>
<table border="1" bordercolor="#881CA0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" width="98%" class="table"> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <p class="report">**Title: Tetrarch Report #3 (2002.10.03)
Type: Tetrarch Report
Date: Thursday, 03 October, 2002
Update by: **[Tirna Q'jira](mailto:Tirna_Qjira@yahoo.com)
</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2">
<p class="report">The night was cold, and the air was clear. The sky was filled with a thousand stars, and the twin moons of Osiris rose above the eastern horizon like twin baubles, gleaming with the full opalescence that their completed phases brought to them.
</p><p class="report">From her place on the tiny watercraft Ebon Cloak's Tetrarch, Tirna Q'jira, watched the cool waters ripple and reflect the moons' rays back at her, casting odd shadows across her thoughtful face and her distant gaze.
</p><p class="report">Her knees were drawn to her chest, and her arms hugged them close as her close loosely wrapped her frame which, for the moment, seemed to diminutive in such a big open space. A sigh escaped her lips, a trace of vapor revealing its path as the Guardian's thoughts tread a troubled path.
</p><p class="report">It was the third day of the week, and by her new standards the day for her report. The summary of course went out to her House the following day, as per her Quaestor's orders, but Tirna found herself drifting from thought to thought in an aimless pattern that nearly left her mindless.
</p><p class="report">"Mistress Q'jira?" a new voice entered her thoughts. Masculine, tentative, concerned. It had to be none other than her new Head Steward, Korrin Alarr.
</p><p class="report">And it was. After all, he was the only one who accompanied her on her journeys to the surface. She often took comfort in his presence, finding him to be something of the father she now lacked, yet more so the friend she never--and perhaps still didn't--have.
</p><p class="report">"Mistress Q'jira," he called again, and Tirna could hear him pull himself out onto the roof of the bobbling craft. "Mistress, you'll catch cold if you stay out here much longer, and besides," he reminded her gently, "it's time for your weekly report. Don't you remember?"
</p><p class="report">The Tetrarch's eyes lined momentarily around the corners as the young Dark Jedi pulled off an expression that was half a smile and half a grimace. "I know," she replied softly without turning. "Begin making preparations. I'll be down in five more minutes."
</p><p class="report">With an unseen bow the Steward turned and slipped back down inside the ship.
</p><p class="report" align="center">![-=-=-=- (Bar)](http://pages.prodigy.net/aysha_minion/_uimages/Bar.jpg)</p>
<p class="report">The craft was set on auto-pilot, and Tirna could see the fish fly past as they moved through whole schools of them, occasionally snagging a few as they ran through a group of unseen plants.
</p><p class="report">She sat in the co-pilot's chair, her gaze only half focused on the present, her lithe fingers absently turning the formerly concealed letter over and over in her hand. She leaned back in her chair, her distant gaze returning to the present to gaze at the unopened envelope. She had found it the day J'Lek had transferred out of the Clan into Rogue quarters with a note that told her to open it when she felt she was ready.
</p><p class="report">The question was: Was she ready?
</p><p class="report">Alarr glanced over at her as she sighed, raising an eyebrow. "Is everything alright, Mistress? You seem troubled." He glanced at her hand. "And what is that? Is that what's troubling you?"
</p><p class="report">Tirna offered him the faintest of smiles as she put the letter away. "I'm troubled by a multitude of things, Alarr, and this letter is but one of them." She took a slow breath, blinking tired eyes.
</p><p class="report">"You haven't been getting enough sleep," he chided her gently.
</p><p class="report">"No," she replied, not bothering to deny it. "I haven't."
</p><p class="report">"Don't make me resort to slipping drugs into your evening drink, Mistress," he told her, his voice holding the faintest hint of humor.
</p><p class="report">Tirna chuckled. "Yes, I know you still hold that against me, Alarr. But it was the only way." She glanced out the plexiglass cockpit window again as her grey eyes caught a glimmer of light. "But now is not the time for such things. Now, as I believe you mentioned earlier, I've a report to do."
</p><p class="report" align="center">![-=-=-=- (Bar)](http://pages.prodigy.net/aysha_minion/_uimages/Bar.jpg)</p>
<p class="report">Tirna was on the dais. How she had gotten there was almost a mystery to her. She knew she had exited the ship, and begun to walk in this direction, but she had not focused on her steps. It was a wonder she had not gotten lost.
</p><p class="report">"My Tyros," she heard herself begin.
</p><p class="report">"This week has seen some changes, and the promise of many more. As some of you may have noticed the Ebon Cloak holosite has been updated in portions of its layout, and now the side-bars are of constant size, enabling the main sections to fill the screen more fully and provide for less scrolling to read. I hope this affect is pleasing.
</p><p class="report">"I have also added a new poll to the holosite, and it is my hope that all of you will go and vote, as it pertains to further competitions in the future. I value your opinion and I want to hold competitions everyone can find enjoyable, so please go vote, and later--after the message board is back up from the system update--go and place your more detailed thoughts on a new discussion I will be opening."
</p><p class="report">Her eyes were unfocused, but she drew in a slow breath. "I'd also like to note that the deadline for this past month's topic has been extended to the seventh. This give you two days after your submissions for the first phase of our House's Dark Allegiance is due, though I expect everyone to get their submission in on the fourth so I have time to compile and organize the various entries into a coherent single entry for our Phyle.
</p><p class="report">"The topic for this month's fictional topic is also out, and the details can be found on the holosite under 'Competitions'. I hope to see more participation in this than I have seen in Specter so far, and I would like to let it be known that from now on the fiction and poetry topics will be different for the sake of neatness and variety."
</p><p class="report">She smiled at them, though her mind still felt distant, as if this were all a dream. "As some of you may know, I plan on starting a run-on in the hopefully near future. I would like your input on this as to what you might like to see for a story-line. Feel free to use the submission form on the Phyle's holosite, or post your ideas on the message board or over the mailing list. On that note, I would like to remind all of you who have not yet signed up for the Ebon Cloak message boards to do so. Please use only your name and do not include your rank in the name you give the account. Your rank will be assigned to you in the form of a title.
</p><p class="report">"On another note I would like to say that some of your are very close to promotion, lacking only your final Task to be completed before you can be recommended for promotion as per the standard requirements of the Ebon Cloak training program. I suggest that everyone take a look over the current list of promotion requirements and find out what their current rank requires of them before you can be promoted and work towards that end. If you have any questions please feel free to ask me, or post them in the forum provided on the message board."
</p><p class="report">She adjusted her stance slightly, her weary gaze seeking, but not finding Ktulu in the assembled crowd. With a quietly weary sigh she turned back to her Tyros, now taking up her Dark Hand's report for lack of his presence. "I would like to also like to welcome two new members to our group. Acolyte Marcus Gladius Octavianus and Guardian Erryc Lasitter, welcome. I hope your time with Ebon Cloak is as profitable as you could have ever hoped for and more."
</p><p class="report">She paused a moment for breath and thought. "Acolyte Detori Koth is still on leave, though Protectors Zedder Netzach and Talons Pryde are now able to be somewhat active, and I hope that both gain the ability to spend more effort towards their advancement in the Phyle." She straightened slightly. "I believe that concludes the report for this week. As usual all orders and further information are available on the Ebon Cloak holosite. Dismissed," she told them, effectively ending the meeting and slipping down off the dais and quietly out the door, striding quickly down the hall toward her quarters on the far end of the complex.
</p><p class="report" align="center">![-=-=-=- (Bar)](http://pages.prodigy.net/aysha_minion/_uimages/Bar.jpg)</p>
<p class="report">It wasn't long before she reached them, her long and efficient stride carrying her quickly across the underwater keep of House Acclivis Draco. Quickly she rid herself of the unwanted burden of her clothing, and climbed into her bed, not even having turned the light on the aid her in her efforts to undress.
</p><p class="report">She was just moments from drifting off when a quiet voice chilled her to the bone.
</p><p class="report">"Tirna..."
</p><p class="report">Bolting upright, Tirna was frozen in stark terror as the light flipped on, momentarily blinding her, but soon revealing the familiar form of her youngest brother. "Tirran..." she breathed, her eyes moving to the object he held so tightly in his right hand.
</p><p class="report">It was a knife.</p>
<p class="report" align="center">![-=-=-=- (Bar)](http://pages.prodigy.net/aysha_minion/_uimages/Bar.jpg)</p>
<p class="report">GRD [Tirna Q'jira](http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/dossier.asp?ID=1839) (Krath)/TET/[Acclivis Draco](http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/ViewUnit.asp?ID=28) of [Scholae Palatinae](http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/ViewUnit.asp?ID=10)/(SE)/DC/Cr-1A/(LSS)/DSS/
Tetrarch and Webmaster of Ebon Cloak Phyle
"We all have a heritage. We all have a destiny. Whether we embrace it and become as we truly are meant to be, that is another matter entirely..."</p>
</td> </tr> </table>
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