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<small> SW Gidda reporting in for Battle Team Nightmare Squadron of Caliburnus, 10/03/02</small>
Battleteam News:</small></big>
<small>Nightmare did very well in latest HC Comp round. Big congratulations to SW Artyis who got 1st place in all categories! Oh yes, you guessed right..drinks are on ya! </small>
<small>We have a new warrior in our battleteam, let's welcome PRT Klaus "Outsider" Steiner coming from Nightshade.
<small>Medals: SW Artyis received 3 Crescents with Sapphire Star for his outstanding performance in HC Competition, your CMDR got 1 Crescent with Topaz Star and 2 Crescents with Emerald Star.
<small>There's a new Sith course, Sith Core. Go and take it! :-)
<big>** Current Orders:**</big></small>
<small>House Flight Competition: missions to fly are</small>
<small>TIE-FREE 119<o:p>/o:p
[ XWA-FREE 69](http://battles.cernun.net/XWAF69.zip)<o:p></o:p>
[ XvT-FREE 22](http://battles.cernun.net/XvTF22.zip)
Moreover, this time AED Kane Reese assigned us a <font color="#ff0000">special task, we are to achieve a 75% participation percentage</font></small><small>.
We're the Primary battleteam of Caliburnus so I expect at least one submission from everyone! Deadline is 13/10/02 (2 weeks), send your pilot files to </small><small>AED Kane Reese ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])</small> <small>and CC Rollmaster ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) and me ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])</small>. <small>To your TIE Interceptors!</small>
HC Trivia Competition
you can find the 20 questions on HC site (http://www.strony.wp.pl/wp/caliburnus) in Competitions section. Send your answers to AED Kane Reese ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]). Your submissions are due by the 30th and shining medals will be awarded to top 3 scorers.
<big>** Activity Reports:**</big></small>
<small>** - SW Gidda**
Submitted answers for HC Trivia,
Awarded Cr-T, Cr-E x2,
Creating a DB-XWA battle,
Writing a XWA Flight Manual
<small>**- PRT Klaus Steiner
**Joined Nightmare squadron
<small> - SW Artyis
Awarded Cr-S x3,
Passed ISET and ESET Sith courses
<small>- DJK Dolza
Stays in contact
<small>** - GRD Slawter Thren**
IRC activity
<small>** - ACO Altar**
Stays in contact
<small>** - JH Zzyhtnu**
Stays in contact</small>
<small>** - JH A. G. Snijglau**
Submitted TIEF-121 for HC competition
IRC activity</small>
** **** <font color="#ff3333" size="2">SW Gidda (Sith)/CMDR/Caliburnus of Scholae Palatinae</font>
<small><small> GC/(SC-SoP)/DC-KC-O-CS-D/(BN)/Cr-1T-2E-7A-1R-2D/CF/MoT-1RH/CoL</small>
{SA: CORE-S:ISET-S:ESET}</small> </small>**
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