Hex Phyle Weekly Report #4
October 5, 2002
Tetrarch's Two Cents
Sorry about the lateness...totally forgot about doing this...:(
Alright, the Reconnaissance Report, Phase One, was submitted around mid-day Saturday, EST. The reports will be going to QUA Betja to grade soon, and at Betja's best guess, the second phase will begin by Monday. Expect a mail to you all then.
One more thing. Seiko, please mail me when you get back from leave.
Big welcome to:
PRT Face Loran
The Ektrosis-HAD feud...go HEX!!!
DJK Coranel Both (TET)--idled on #taldryan quite a bit, got the Recon. Report for the Feud submitted.
PRT Vance Farahl (Tyro)--Contributed to the Recon. report
PRT Face Loran (Tyro)--Submitted to the Krath Montly Topic (Poem)
KAP Blitzkrieg (Tyro)--nothing, that I know of...
DJK Ahriman'sabaoth (Tyro)--Contributed to the Recon. Report
NOV Seiko (Tyro)--LoA
Dark Jedi Knight Coranel Both
DJK Coranel Both (Krath)/TET/Ektrosis of Taldryan
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