Quick CHAN Update


Quick CHAN Update

My apologies for a lack of a report this week, but a violent storm hit my town on Friday, knocking out power almost everywhere and keeping me at work for two and a half hours overtime, and work kept me occupied for the most part this weekend. Just a few important notes for everyone:

  • Dark Voice 29 will be released on August 12th. The new design is completed and submissions for DV 29 will be closed on Friday, the 9th. The weekend will be spent putting everything together for the Monday release. Please remember: send submissions only to Korbane, as it is his job this time around to judge all of the submissions and the like. His e-mail address is [Log in to view e-mail addresses].

  • You'll notice that there are a lot of new DB multiplayer competitions out there on the Combat Calendar. Go out and play them! Competition hosts, please remember to send all results to my Magistrate, [Log in to view e-mail addresses], as well as myself.

  • I've decided not to go through with the internal MP medal. So for internal MP competitions medals can only be given at the conclusion of it.

  • The Medal Guide will be updated this week.

That's all.

<table><tr><td></td><td valign="top">Shadow Adept/Epis Pharaun "Shadonyx" Illistyn
Chancellor of the Dark Brotherhood
Editor-in-Chief of the Dark Voice

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