Black Omega Team Weekly Report
11th of October
Dark Greetings.
From today, few updates will come to my reports. First of all, I noticed that all CMDRs send their reports on House e-group, so why not me as well :) Now second thing. Till now, I had ATR for each pilot, and kept there and still keep, activity of each pilot. However now, new section will appear in reports. "Activity and points". Well, yes, I know that it's not any spectacular name, but it tells you clearly what it contains, and that was my point :P
Many important things has happened during that week, many awards, activity and other stuff. What can I say.. I'm proud of you my dear team! :)
1. AED Wil Striker successfuly managed with rebel sabotage, so his office is full operational again. Welcome back :)
2. Delphiam team won't be our oponent in competition, because I have enough of waiting for their answer. Well, maybe next time in the future. However, I found another team, Sub Zero team from Clan Tarentum, and now I talk with them about the details, they accepted our challange, so expect it soon! We decided that this competition will be based on Free Missions, from all platforms, I mean one Free from each platform except X-Wing.
3. Warm Welcome for SBM Frey Gallandro in House Ronin! :)
Orders and plans for future.
Only one day more and trivia time, which Dash Rendar set up will end! So run to check out the questions on Clan Alvaak MB, and take part.
Practice before the competition Black Omega vs Sub Zero
Check Clan Alvaak homepage I must say that it's great made, and I like it much! Go and see :)
Resently Trainer asked me what is a waypon of Jedis belowe DJK rank. Hehe that's interesting question, because I haven't any idea, maybe with normal katana? Or hand in hand? However what when you meet some Light Jedi with lighsaber on your way and you are a PRT? lol
Then you've got two options: first call someone with lightsaber who likes you, and the second run away lol
Well that is the topic to think about in ths week hehe
And the last but not least thing. Don't forget report to me next time! Yesterday few persons repoted, which is better than was in previous week, so I guess all will report in next one :P
Activity and points:
the points are counted, and contain the acitvity from previous weeks. Also remember that, if you get a promotion the point reset, and you start ghater points for next promo. (Just a remind: for completed mission from DB battle you get 2points, battles different than DB don't count for promotions. Also all rules, for what and forhow many points and so on you will find here: )
Tiss (me) :
Awarded a Crescent with Sapphire Star
Completed TIE DB #1, 6, and 8, passed SA cours DB Leadership Studies, organize a competition vs Sub Zero team. IRC, MB and e-mails activity.
flying: 32, created missions: 10, fiction: 10, SA: 20, posts: 8
Total: 80 (next rank: GRD = 100 pts)
Reported in, IRC, MB activity.
Flying: 54 ( next rank PRT = 40 pts (already recommended by me.) )
MB activity.
Flying: 10 (next rank PRT = 40 pts )
Kyle Katarn:
Awarded Crescent with Sapphire Star.
Reported in, IRC and e-mails activity.
As we all know, ranks above DJK, aren't included to points system .
Jedi Hunter
IRC and e-mails activity. Reported in.
IWATS/SA : 10 (next rank: DJK = 300pts)
Chris Cox:
IRC and e-mails activity.
Points: flying: 5 (next rank PRT = 40pts)
Marcin Szydlowski:
Reported in,Completed: TIE DB #12, posted 4 times, IRC, MBs and e-mails activity.
Flying 10, SA/IWATS :20, posts:8
Total: 38 points ( next rank PRT = 40pts)
Reported in, completed DB Leadership Studies and Sith Core, organize competition for flight III, e-mails activity.
Flying: 2, IWATS/SA: 30
Total: 32 (next rank GRD = 100pts)
Awarded Cluster of Fire
reported in! Flew in MP even. IRC and e-mails activity.
As we know ranks abowe DJK aren't included to points system.
Jedi Hunter
IRC and e-mails activity.
Flying: 110, creation mission: 10, IWATS/SA 10 posts: 8
Total: 138 (next rank DJK = 300pts )
And that's all folks.
PRT Tissaya Argat (Sith)/FM/Ronin of Alvaak
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