Sith High Warrior Report


Sith High Warrior Report

Sith Order Report for the Week Ending October 11th, 2002

Not all too much to report this week. My projects are coming along slowly, and I'll be getting into the creation of the Sith Academy in earnest as soon as next week. The Sith Order courses continue to thrive, and will hopefully continue to do so. If any of you have ideas for new ones, email me and we'll discuss them.

For this week, we're looking to the end of the Sith Squadron League, and the declaration of the Best Squadron in the Brotherhood.

Concerning things such as the best of the best... I would like to present to the Brotherhood right now, the winner of the XWA Top Gun Tournament... SBM Wil Striker! He has as such been inducted into the Sith Avenger's society of XWA Pilots. Congrats Wil.

A top of that, it's Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada, so I'll be at home, away from my computer until Monday, and as such, am on leave while stuffing myself full of turkey and stuffing... weee

-SHW Yacks

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